Post Hamas Foolishments


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday there was an organized, low-intensity, national domestic terror attack in most major cities. Fox News (and only Fox) ran the story, headlined “Anti-Israel agitators shut down traffic, disrupt cities all across US in demand for Gaza ceasefire.

image 8.png

Other platforms mostly covered the story as purely local interest. For example, San Fransisco:

image 4.png

Or Chicago:

image 5.png

Similar reports of activist-fueled traffic jams flooded in from New York City, Oakland, Washington DC, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and more. In blue states, it was mostly bedlam, inconvenience, and highly irritated commuters, while police stood by and allowed the ‘protests’ to continue:

image 7.png

Blue states are funny. Had these protestors been blocking the sidewalk to an abortion clinic, they would be cooling off in federal prison right now. Weird.

Meanwhile, in Florida, highway-blocking activists were quickly removed and arrested in Tampa and Miami.

image 6.png

Allegedly, these nationwide, infrastructure-related ‘protests’ were organized by people who oppose Israel’s war against Hamas. I can’t say for sure, but having watched lots of video, yesterday’s protestors remarkably resembled the very same people who block roads protesting for climate change or transgender rights or Ukraine or whatever is the current thing.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Blue states are funny. Had these protestors been blocking the sidewalk to an abortion clinic, they would be cooling off in federal prison right now. Weird.

Three words... Mobile Abortion Van.

Pull up to the protest and walla... Instant Felony. :jet:


PREMO Member

Soros-Funded Community Justice Exchange Behind Bail Fund for Pro-Hamas Road Blockers

Well, well, well. Look what we have here.

Collusion to break laws and disrupt the flow of traffic, all funded by left-wing dark money groups.

More from the Washington Free Beacon:

Scores of "Free Palestine" protesters across the United States took to the streets Monday to block major airports, highways, and bridges. Those who are arrested will receive bail money and legal support from a left-wing dark money behemoth funded by George Soros, an online fundraising page shows.
The protests, which took place in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia, were organized by A15 Action, a newly formed group that worked to "coordinate a multi-city economic blockade on April 15 in solidarity with Palestine." The group's website directs users to a "bail and legal defense fund" hosted through ActBlue, the Democratic Party's online fundraising juggernaut.
Those who donate to the fund, the ActBlue page says, are sending money to the Community Justice Exchange, which provides "money bail, court fees and fines" and other legal services to "community-based organizations … that contest the current operation and function of the criminal legal and immigration detention systems." The exchange is a project of the Tides Center, a left-wing dark money network funded by Soros and other liberal billionaires.
The protesters, who organized the global event under the title A15, targeted economic "choke points" with the express purpose of causing as much financial disruption as possible, according to their website.

This is economic terrorism, actual insurrection, and how is it not a RICO-qualifying criminal conspiracy?



PREMO Member
"This is part of an international effort in disrupting the global economy," targeting economic "choke points" — and yet those few who were arrested were bailed out to that thanks of ActBlue and the George Soros-backed Community Justice Exchange.

Some of the protests were smaller in scale, such as this group "occupying" a Starbucks in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We can never tell if we're supposed to be patronizing Starbucks or boycotting them.

Here's some simp who didn't have a flight to catch Monday who explains the purpose of these protests:



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I imagine if pro-Hamas protestors were blocking the three gates onto the base, everyone would be cheering "Woo hoo... day off!!!"