Attention all deer hunters


It was stated in the newspaper this past Friday that St. Marys county had had around 20 deer left in the early seventies. They introduced 20 more that year to the area. Now look! It's our responsibility to keep the population in check...for our good, and -theirs-. They know no better. I'd rather see a healthy lively deer herd feeding in my field then skinny, starving deer feeding on my flowers around the house.

In any case, you can subtract one from the herd this year. My father-in-law took one (so far) from my property on Saturday evening. I heard another shot just before leaving for work this morning. :)


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
I don't have to worry about that. I carpool to work.
You know people with that mentality make me upset. LIVE AND LET LIVE......thats total BS....if we didnt have hunting season to take out some of these deer then we wouldnt be able to walk out of our houses without tripping over them on our way to our cars. It is quicker and more painless, and alot less gruesome to kill a deer with a gun or bow than it is to hit it with a vehicle, plus if you hit a deer with a car alot of times the deer cant be used because the bladder will break and the meat will be tainted. Killing deer with vehicles is wasteful all around and dangerous. GO HUNTERS!!!! KILL EM! Stop needless insurance claims....kill a deer.


New Member
Tonio said:
That's partly because we got rid of the wolves in the eastern states a long time ago. So now there's no natural predator to keep the deep population in check.

Believe it or not, years ago there were no dear at all in St. Mary's County. My grandfather said they didnt start coming into the county till he was older. Which would be about 80 years ago.


Your grandfathers right of course; see my previous post a couple above...

Well, make it a final tally of 2; that shot I heard on my way to work was indeed my father-in-law with his second doe. Just what I told him to do this year. Trying to thin the does a bit to get a better ratio around here. We all had the backstraps for dinner that night....mmmMMMMMmmm.