Attorney - Counselor Suggestions


New Member
In need of a lawyer for seperation/divorce issue. Anyone have any suggestions. Spouse has left with no warning. Asked for a chance to talk on why but just got told "Wants to have fun and cant see getting ahead financially if stay here". Children & I are hurt and emotional. Having hard time with this need suggestions for lawyer and counselors. Have to get kids to counseling as well as myself.


New Member
In need of a lawyer for seperation/divorce issue. Anyone have any suggestions. Spouse has left with no warning. Asked for a chance to talk on why but just got told "Wants to have fun and cant see getting ahead financially if stay here". Children & I are hurt and emotional. Having hard time with this need suggestions for lawyer and counselors. Have to get kids to counseling as well as myself.

These type of stories break my heart. I am so sorry for you and your children.
May God somehow be of comfort in these difficult times. especially for the children.


wandering aimlessly
In need of a lawyer for seperation/divorce issue. Anyone have any suggestions. Spouse has left with no warning. Asked for a chance to talk on why but just got told "Wants to have fun and cant see getting ahead financially if stay here". Children & I are hurt and emotional. Having hard time with this need suggestions for lawyer and counselors. Have to get kids to counseling as well as myself.

How heartbreaking. Sue Ann Armitage has always been a strong divorce attorney. If you search the forums there are several that come up.

For counseling...I'm not sure. What ages are the children? I think a family counselor is probably the best way to go. And I don't know of a good one off hand but the attorney may. In fact, I think Master Harris requires families to go to counselling before finalizes the child support.

Child support - you need to jump on this NOW. He's not going to have nearly as much "fun" or "get ahead financially" once he starts paying this. I was a wimp who tried to be nice and non demanding. It ruined me financially. Learn from my mistake.

I'll pray for you and your children to be given strength and comfort.


Well-Known Member
How heartbreaking. Sue Ann Armitage has always been a strong divorce attorney. If you search the forums there are several that come up.
She's great, but pricey. I used Troy Hansen. He's fabulous and way cheaper than Sue Ann.
The Law Office of Troy C. Hansen, LLC.
22835 Washington Street
Post Office Box 2002
Leonardtown, Maryland 20650

Office: 301-475-5000
Cell: 301-904-2291
Fax: 301-475-3872
Seriously, peeps. Don't be so quick to pick sides. There is always two sides to every story and then the truth as told without emotion. Every other post she's made here has been about horses. Horses are very expensive and very time consuming so for all we know he could have spent years trying to point that out only to eventually feel no other way out... I know this is pure speculation on my part, but I'm just trying to make a point that this wouldn't be the first time folks have jumped on the bandwagon only to find out later things weren't what they've seemed.


Obama destroyed America
Seriously, peeps. Don't be so quick to pick sides. There is always two sides to every story and then the truth as told without emotion. Every other post she's made here has been about horses. Horses are very expensive and very time consuming so for all we know he could have spent years trying to point that out only to eventually feel no other way out... I know this is pure speculation on my part, but I'm just trying to make a point that this wouldn't be the first time folks have jumped on the bandwagon only to find out later things weren't what they've seemed.
Excellent points. Horses aren't cheap to keep.


my war
Seriously, peeps. Don't be so quick to pick sides. There is always two sides to every story and then the truth as told without emotion. Every other post she's made here has been about horses. Horses are very expensive and very time consuming so for all we know he could have spent years trying to point that out only to eventually feel no other way out... I know this is pure speculation on my part, but I'm just trying to make a point that this wouldn't be the first time folks have jumped on the bandwagon only to find out later things weren't what they've seemed.

Geesh. ... And I thought I had no heart..... I even withheld from asking if she was hot.


New Member
I have posted 6 post in the 6 years I have been here. Your quote: "Every other post she's made here has been about horses."

Yes there are two sides to every story and you would be imbarrassed of your response if you knew the whole story for both sides.

Thank you to all who provided helpful information. I appreciate your responses.


Well-Known Member
I have posted 6 post in the 6 years I have been here. Your quote: "Every other post she's made here has been about horses."

Yes there are two sides to every story and you would be imbarrassed of your response if you knew the whole story for both sides.

Thank you to all who provided helpful information. I appreciate your responses.

7 posts in 6 years. :smile:
I have posted 6 post in the 6 years I have been here. Your quote: "Every other post she's made here has been about horses."

Yes there are two sides to every story and you would be imbarrassed of your response if you knew the whole story for both sides.

Thank you to all who provided helpful information. I appreciate your responses.
Nothing to be embarrassed about. I didn't assume one way or the other who was a good guy or a bad guy. Some of the responses seemed to be automatically picking sides and I was pointing out there was two sides to every story.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to be embarrassed about. I didn't assume one way or the other who was a good guy or a bad guy. Some of the responses seemed to be automatically picking sides and I was pointing out there was two sides to every story.

I don't care who's right, who's wrong or if they are both right or wrong. Some kids will now grow up in broken homes, and I think for the most part very good suggestions were made for both an attorney and counselors for the kids. They are going to need both. I'm actually surprised it hasn't gotten off the beaten path more, like it usually does.


Well-Known Member
In need of a lawyer for seperation/divorce issue. Anyone have any suggestions. Spouse has left with no warning. Asked for a chance to talk on why but just got told "Wants to have fun and cant see getting ahead financially if stay here". Children & I are hurt and emotional. Having hard time with this need suggestions for lawyer and counselors. Have to get kids to counseling as well as myself.

So basically he said he wants to be with other women or men. :whistle: bad for the kids though.


New Member
Child support - you need to jump on this NOW. He's not going to have nearly as much "fun" or "get ahead financially" once he starts paying this. I was a wimp who tried to be nice and non demanding. It ruined me financially. Learn from my mistake.

I'll pray for you and your children to be given strength and comfort.

This!! Get as much as you can and then if you feel like being nice later you can be. You want to be nice one day, then you can offer to do some thing like pay 100% for school clothes instead of the 50-50% that the settlement says (if that is what it ends up saying). I'm just saying go for as much as you can get from the get go and you can always be nice later, if you want to be.


New Member
This is sad

Obviously a reality, but sad none the less.

Hopefully you get things worked out with the minimum amount of "trauma" for the kids

Good luck