Attorney - Counselor Suggestions


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
This!! Get as much as you can and then if you feel like being nice later you can be.


In Maryland, the child support payment guidelines are on line in the form of an interactive calculator. You simply use that. Judges in MD stick VERY closely to the guideline values when it comes to signing off on divorce agreements.


Registered User
In need of a lawyer for seperation/divorce issue. Anyone have any suggestions. Spouse has left with no warning. Asked for a chance to talk on why but just got told "Wants to have fun and cant see getting ahead financially if stay here". Children & I are hurt and emotional. Having hard time with this need suggestions for lawyer and counselors. Have to get kids to counseling as well as myself.

Maryland has an abondonment/desertion law...check into it and see how/if it applies to you.


New Member

In Maryland, the child support payment guidelines are on line in the form of an interactive calculator. You simply use that. Judges in MD stick VERY closely to the guideline values when it comes to signing off on divorce agreements.

Correct, that part is kind of cut and dry but who pays for school clothes or child care and so on isn't.

I'm just saying get all you can get and be nice later.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Correct, that part is kind of cut and dry but who pays for school clothes or child care and so on isn't.

Food, clothing and shelter are fundamental and included in the basic support obligation. Child day care is an included item in the MD support obligation calculation. So is health insurance or other explicitly known health care costs. It's a pretty thorough st of guidelines...designed to eliminate to the greatest extent possible the inevitable conflicts that attorneys love to foster otherwise.

a. Work-Related Child Care Expenses
(Code, FL § 12-204(g))

Just sayin....:buddies: The MD guidelines are your friend...because that is the first and sometimes only thing the judge looks at or asks: "Is this support agreement in accordance with the MD guidelines? And if not, WHY not?
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Podunk FL
I used Troy Hensan in my divorce stuff also. He was really good and helped me get things straight.

Get a seperation agreement.

Dr. carol drury is a good therapist. she doesn't take insurance.

He will have to support his kids. You may need to sell the suks but horses aren't cheap.


Main Streeter
This!! Get as much as you can and then if you feel like being nice later you can be. You want to be nice one day, then you can offer to do some thing like pay 100% for school clothes instead of the 50-50% that the settlement says (if that is what it ends up saying). I'm just saying go for as much as you can get from the get go and you can always be nice later, if you want to be.

Maryland uses this calculator to determine child support...