Austrailians are crazy.

The 21-year-old woman from Brisbane was at Amity Point, on North Stradbroke Island when she was attacked, losing both arms up to the elbow and also suffering a flesh wound to the leg.

"She was taken to Princess Alexandra Hospital but has died as a result of her injuries," a Queensland Police spokeswoman told Reuters. She said no further details were available.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
How does this make...

AK-74me said:

I mean how can you even go into the ocean there knowing what could be below you. I have a hard enough time going too far out in the water in Florida, but once you add Great Whites to the equation my ass is staying on the beach.

...Australians crazy?

How many millions of swimmers didn't get eaten over the last year?

You drive a car?


Lem Putt
AK-74me said:

I mean how can you even go into the ocean there knowing what could be below you. I have a hard enough time going too far out in the water in Florida, but once you add Great Whites to the equation my ass is staying on the beach.

Good thing there aren't Great Whites in the Atlantic. I mean, if there were, they would maybe make a movie about them. Wow, what a great Idea! They could name it Jaws! And make lots of sequels!


New Member
AK-74me said:
I mean how can you even go into the ocean there knowing what could be below you.
<img src="">


24/7 Single Dad
AK-74me said:
I mean how can you even go into the ocean there knowing what could be below you.
Why do you think AU. is different than any other place you swim in the ocean?
There are a LOT of critters in the ocean that can kill you, even cute little snails. Ever see a Cone Shell


"Typical White Person"
Larry Gude said:
...Australians crazy?

How many millions of swimmers didn't get eaten over the last year?

You drive a car?

Yeah I know but atleast I feel like I might have a chance of surving a 5ft. nurse shark bite. A 12' + 1000 lb. shark on the other hand is a whole 'nother story.

And of course I drive a car and I know they kill thousnds of more people a year but it dosen't change the fact that not knowing if a huge shark lurks below you shouldn't make you question taking a swim on their turf.

Ok, Larry. I'll answer your anaolgy like this. If I were to drive by a spot where a fatal accident had occured the day before, I would feel pretty confident the same wouldn't happend to me. I gaurantee nobody would have that same confidince taking a swim in the same spot this chick just got 3 out of her 4 limbs ripped from her the next day.
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"Typical White Person"
aps45819 said:
Why do you think AU. is different than any other place you swim in the ocean?
There are a LOT of critters in the ocean that can kill you, even cute little snails. Ever see a Cone Shell

At least you would have a chance to get some medical care. Not a real good shot of getting your head sewn back on and living to tell about it.


Mikeinsmd said:
Hey! I was stung by a huge Portugese Man-O-war when I was about 5 and it was awful. I had to go to the hospital. Very painful, soured me on the whole ocean thing. I go, but not in too far. I don't like not being able to see what's under the water. I guess I am a :baby: after all. :lmao:


New Member
I NEVER go in the Ocean. When we go to the beach, we get a hotel with a pool. We go out to the beach and mess around a while, then come back to the hotel and swim.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Crazy, yeah I'll agree with that. I recall several years ago that a lot of Aussie's went on the "petting" tours where they located a dead whale that Great Whites were feednig on and would pet them. Australia had to make a law banning the act.