aww poor moslem has to conform ....


PREMO Member
Muslims and bathing costumes
All in it together

The story began two years ago when an 11-year-old girl and her Moroccan parents, living in Frankfurt, demanded that she be exempted from co-educational swimming. Her lawyer argued that wearing a burkini did not entirely meet her religious scruples: it would make her feel embarrassed, and she would still have to mingle with scantily clad boys. She wanted to swim, but only with girls.

But an appeals court in Leipzig upheld the opinion of lower courts that the burkini was an adequate solution. Nor did the judge have much sympathy for the girl's desire to avoid splashing about with boys in skimpy togs. The most interesting part of the ruling stated that "the basic right of religious freedom does not confer any entitlement to be spared from encountering, at school, the behaviour of third parties...[behaviour] which is widely observed in daily life, outside school, at certain seasons." As for the risk of inappropriate physical contact with Spandex-wearing lads, that could be avoided in the judge's view by a vigilant teacher and due precautions by the girl herself.

The subtext was that if the girl was unbearably offended by people sunbathing or walking the streets with very little on (or nothing at all, in some parks and beaches), then Germany might not be the country for her. But given that she was in Germany, a burkini offered a way of adhering to her values without imposing them on others. Muslim groups in Germany have given a mixed response; they are pleased that the burkini is now accepted in pools and they think it meets religious concerns, but they would be happier still if the individual's right to opt out were respected.


Well-Known Member

Thanks. Nothing like stupid people posting stupid articles who can't spell. If you are going to be a hater than at least spell it right.

Mos·lem (mzlm, ms-)
Variant of Muslim.
[Arabic muslim; see Muslim.]
Moslem adj.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Moslem [ˈmɒzləm]
n pl -lems, -lem
(Non-Christian Religions / Islam) a variant of Muslim
Moslemic [mɒzˈlɛmɪk] adj
Moslemism n

Both ways seem to work.
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mama to two
Offended by bathing suits? I wonder what she's do if you told her that chimps pee in the pool.

The moslems/muslims definitely took the 'bikini' out of swimwear. No bikini beach for them. But, seriously, it is sad that women of that faith/culture seem so bound by the men that rule them. I can see why this faith has become terroristic over time. Very sad for all of us. Especially, the ones (America) that have become a target of their brainwashed discontent.


PREMO Member
Switzerland Region Bans Full Head Coverings. Muslims Are Mad. Discuss.

According to this, there's a region in Switzerland which voted to ban the wearing of full face head coverings, and now the Swiss Muslim community is majorly peeved, and they're all, "You're violating our rights!"

Riiiiiight. Because everyone knows how tolerated other religions are in Muslim countries.

The bill read, "No one may mask or hide their face on the public highway, nor in places open to the public, except places of worship, nor those offering a public service. No one may require another person to cover their face for reasons of gender.”

I don't know about you all, but I view this as a public safety measure, and that's that. If you want to cover your entire body head to toe except for eye slits in your own home, have at it. But when you're in public, you don't get to hide. I feel the exact same way about ski masks.

The Swiss Central Islamic Council said this is just another "loud expression of social Islamophobia.”

It's not, actually. It's about public safety. It's about pots and melting into them. And one of the campaigners in favor of this measure said it well. His statement read, "Those who want to integrate are welcome irrespective of their religion. But those who rebuff our values and aim to build a parallel society based on religious laws, and want to place it over our society, are not welcome.”


In 2010, France passed a law banning full-face veils in public and Belgium later did the same. We wrote about that right here.

So, what do you think? Should full burkas or other similar head coverings be allowed or should they be outlawed in public?

want your cow to wear head to toe covering, go back to the middle east where you came from ...