B-12 Deficiancy



Oh and all this damn B12 I take has my skin all jacked up too! :frown: :lmao: I got the to dermatologist this for that.

Interesting. I haven't heard of that side effect. Whooo hooo, something to look forward to. :sarcasm:

Hey Jamie, I am really sorry about your mom. I can't imagine that. :ohwell:



Do they know why?

While my pernicious anemia isn't all that bad, my great uncle has a B12 deficiency due to some rare type of leukemia dealing with his bone marrow :frown: (My hematologist wanted to do a bone marrow biopsy on me but my level started coming up after my first shot or 2, THANK GAWD!!)
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Free to Fly
Do they know why?

While my pernicious anemia isn't all that bad, my great uncle has a B12 deficiency due to some rare type of leukemia dealing with his bone marrow :frown: (My hematologist wanted to do a bone marrow biopsy on me but my level started coming up after my first shot or 2, THANK GAWD!!)

I had no idea a vitamin B12 deficiency could do so much damage. Thank you for the info. Also, I'm so sorry you had to go thru so much and all at once at that. :huggy:
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New Member
From my experience..............

Were you malnutritoned? No, not that I recall

Did they blame it on alcohol? No

What were you symptoms? The biggest issue was I was constantly tired and never seemed rested, no matter what I ate/drank/exercised, I never felt rested.

Did you feel depressed? At times, yes

Did they put you on meds besides vitamins? No, just suggested the shots with B-12 vitamins

Did you get injections? If so, for how long? Yep, once a month for about 4 months, then I got tired of taking the shots but kept taking the vitamins.

Did the injections help? Yea but it wasn't a drastic improvement.

What was your B-12 level when they found it low? When I first had bloodwork done (May 2007), my level was 180 and normal range was 193-982. When I had my bloodwork rechecked in January of 08, my level had moved up to 562 and my range changed to 211-911.

Hope that helps you some.

I have more but that's a start.[/QUOTE]


New Member

I have gone to my family Doctor for the last six months complaining
about being so tired and no energy I have had several blood test in
the past six months.Finally I was referred to a neuroligist he did
blood work and I was told that I was B-12 deficant he said that the
count should be between 200 - 1000. Mine was right at 200 I was
put on B-12 for three months and then I have to be retested if the
count doesn't come up then he said I will have to go on B-12 shots.

I'm due to be retested now.But since I have been taking the B-12
I feel so much better and not tired at all like I was three months ago.
There is a world of difference.