Chicklet (11 y/o) gets invited to Marissa’s (12 y/o) sleep over birthday party. We take chicklet to the sleep over and leave our emergency contact info with the parents - we know Marissa’s parents socially, we’ve had dinner out, etc. I’m back home and my phone’s chicklet. She says “Mom, I think you’re going to be mad at me.” I ask why...chicklet says “Marissa’s parents are gone, they went out to a movie.” I asked who was left in charge - her reply was “nobody, we’re alone in the house.” I told chicklet I would be right there. I get to Marissa’s house and both parents are gone! I call Marissa’s parents cell phone but it immediately goes to voice mail - I guess they turned it off during the movie. Now, if there was a true emergency exactly how were these girls suppose to get in touch with them? I’m mad now

. The invitation didn’t say the girls would be left alone and unsupervised nor did either parent mention it when we dropped chicklet off. I asked the other girls for their parent’s phone numbers. I called them and told them what was going on - that their child had been left alone. Every parent said they were unaware that the girls would be left alone. I told them that I would stay at the house until Marissa’s parents returned home. A little after 11pm the parents finally return home....they were surprised to find me there. I told them I didn’t appreciate them not telling me of their plans to go out and leaving the girls unsupervised. They apologized to me but then they got very mad at me when they found out that I had called the parents of the other girls.
What would you have done? Just gone and gotten your own child and not worry about the other girls?