Baby Formula


Sleep Deprived
She's still not here!!!! I was going to use the formula the hospital gave us but i was just curious as to what the other options are out there. Thanks for your help!!! Can't wait to see your little man!!

She's stubborn already. Hang in there she should be here soon.


I breastfed for 4 months but did give some formula when needed in there. Also just switched to formula with no problems as he preferred the bottle any way. I pumped for awhile after I went back to work but it got to be a pain as he wouldn't nurse at night either so I just switched to formula. We used the similac that came from the hospital & then the enfamil that I got in the mail. He seemed a little gassy so we switched to the enfamil gentlease & that worked great. So then we used the target & walmart brands of the gentle & they are all the same. He's eating table food now so we've switched to milk no problems. They grow up quick!