baby nutrition..

I tried to make baby food for my oldest when she was 6-9 months old. Until the day I pulled the blade out of the food processor out and set in on the counter. When I reached over for the spoon the edge of the blade sliced my pinky finger wide open and after applying pressure for over an hour and it was still bleeding I ended up at the ER with stitches. Still have the scar to this day. That was the day I stopped making baby food.

Good luck to you though. I think the magic bullet might be the way to go. Seems safer anyway.

Well that's one way to increase the iron in baby's food...:shrug:


Emily is currently 8 1/2 months. She eats baby food twice a day, breakfast and dinner, and then a snack mid day, usually a fresh peach cut into wedges or cubes. And she also has 4 8oz bottles a day.

When I feed her dinner I feed her a jar of baby food and then I give her whatever we are eating cut into small pieces. We have been doing that for over a month and every now and then she will gag on something but it is because she doesn't chew it enough.

I would recommend waiting until about 7 months to try finger foods (doctor told me 9 months but I didn't wait that long). I started with puffs which she loves, they dissolve fast. It takes them a while to learn the pincher grab.

When she turned 4 months her doctor said to start cereal fed from a spoon only and then once she gets the hang of that to start with fruits and veggies. I think I started trying fruits and veggies around 5 1/2 months. I have always struggled with trying to get Emily to eat though. Some babies pick it up quick. It took me a good two months of trying to get her to consistently eat the baby food.

She is really good at feeding herself finger foods now, but I still feed her baby food because she can't fill herself off of finger foods.

I hope this helped answer your questions. Honestly just go with what you think is right for your baby because you are the one that knows her best.


Dream Stealer
Emily is currently 8 1/2 months. She eats baby food twice a day, breakfast and dinner, and then a snack mid day, usually a fresh peach cut into wedges or cubes. And she also has 4 8oz bottles a day.

When I feed her dinner I feed her a jar of baby food and then I give her whatever we are eating cut into small pieces. We have been doing that for over a month and every now and then she will gag on something but it is because she doesn't chew it enough.

I would recommend waiting until about 7 months to try finger foods (doctor told me 9 months but I didn't wait that long). I started with puffs which she loves, they dissolve fast. It takes them a while to learn the pincher grab.

When she turned 4 months her doctor said to start cereal fed from a spoon only and then once she gets the hang of that to start with fruits and veggies. I think I started trying fruits and veggies around 5 1/2 months. I have always struggled with trying to get Emily to eat though. Some babies pick it up quick. It took me a good two months of trying to get her to consistently eat the baby food.

She is really good at feeding herself finger foods now, but I still feed her baby food because she can't fill herself off of finger foods.

I hope this helped answer your questions. Honestly just go with what you think is right for your baby because you are the one that knows her best.

exactly what I was looking for, thanks for sharing your "routine" :yay: I am interested in giving her "real" food and im glad Im not the only one


I can't wait until Emily starts eating finger foods exclusively or feeding herself. One of the big issues I run into with her is that she wants to be independent and doesn't want me to feed her but obviously she can't feed herself with a spoon yet.

I have heard from a few people that finger foods is all there little ones eat so they just feed them whatever they are eating. I try to always give her what we are eating so she can explore.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
anyone NOT puree things? as in handing her, say, a piece of watermelon and letting her have at it?
At 4 months, most babies don't have a good enough gag reflex to handle anything chunky. Wait until about 7 months and start with something that will turn to mush in the baby's mouth (ie cheerios). By 9 months, most babies can eat small chunks of things as long as they aren't too hard (no raw carrots, for example).


Dream Stealer
At 4 months, most babies don't have a good enough gag reflex to handle anything chunky. Wait until about 7 months and start with something that will turn to mush in the baby's mouth (ie cheerios). By 9 months, most babies can eat small chunks of things as long as they aren't too hard (no raw carrots, for example).


I'm not giving her anything doing research ahead of time because I am strange like that.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love

I'm not giving her anything doing research ahead of time because I am strange like that.
You never know. I know a woman who started putting cereal in her child's bottle at 2 weeks, because she was taking advice from people from an older generation, when that sort of thing was more common. She told me about how she had asked her doctor about it and the doctor was against it. Later, I was in a position where I was offering her advice and recommended she stop, provided medical articles to back it up, etc. (Long story how this came about, I would normally mind my own business) and she told me that her doctor recommended it. :rolleyes:

But having had 4 kids of my own and taken care of a dozen or so other infants, I can tell you, whatever you plan now will go right out the window as soon as you try to put it into practice. Baby always had other ideas about how things should be done.


Dream Stealer
she's 4 months..and holds her head up great, puts things in her mouth, is getting teeth, is huge, etc etc. That's why I will likely start giving her a bit of cereal (spoon of course) let her practice a little.


New Member
Emily is currently 8 1/2 months. She eats baby food twice a day, breakfast and dinner, and then a snack mid day, usually a fresh peach cut into wedges or cubes. And she also has 4 8oz bottles a day.

When I feed her dinner I feed her a jar of baby food and then I give her whatever we are eating cut into small pieces. We have been doing that for over a month and every now and then she will gag on something but it is because she doesn't chew it enough.

I would recommend waiting until about 7 months to try finger foods (doctor told me 9 months but I didn't wait that long). I started with puffs which she loves, they dissolve fast. It takes them a while to learn the pincher grab.

When she turned 4 months her doctor said to start cereal fed from a spoon only and then once she gets the hang of that to start with fruits and veggies. I think I started trying fruits and veggies around 5 1/2 months. I have always struggled with trying to get Emily to eat though. Some babies pick it up quick. It took me a good two months of trying to get her to consistently eat the baby food.

She is really good at feeding herself finger foods now, but I still feed her baby food because she can't fill herself off of finger foods.

I hope this helped answer your questions. Honestly just go with what you think is right for your baby because you are the one that knows her best.

My daughter is 13 months old and I'm still having problems with her eating on her own. She gets baby food (jarred. im lazy) three times a day plus 3-6oz bottles a day. (sometimes 4 bottles) Within maybe the last two months she has been a little more open to eating finger food. But its a very very slow progression. She is very very picky when it comes to finger foods.

We didnt start feeding her real food (oatmeal/baby food) until she was 6 months old and even then she didnt get the hang of it until she was about 8 months old. And i'm anal about what goes in her mouth. hahaha. I'm one of those moms that wouldn't let anyone give her anything I didnt think she needed. :/


Hot Flash

I'm not giving her anything doing research ahead of time because I am strange like that.

Be vigilant. People of all ages choke to death frequently. I had to do the Heimlich on my 3 year old when he sucked down a piece of macaroni/cheese the wrong way.

I would puree veggies and meat for both of the children when they were babies. I would do them in batches/freeze/thaw as someone else posted.

I didn't start finger food until they were around 1. The teething biscuit residue is reminiscent of cat puke. :lol: Enjoy.

I would buy the Gerber sausages and they were lucky to get one.

14 year old is still super thin. Older one got the bad (if you call robust bad...and a never ending appetite) genes and luckily has high self esteem and doesn't mind being robust. She's proportional and looks great.

Enjoy the journey with your Monster.

Sweet 16

:killingme true thing. It was more of an example. She is 4 months now..and I am thinking about giving her a little tiny bit of cereal..but I wouldn't giver her anything else till about 6 months.

I started adding a little rice cereal to his stored breast milk bottles, probably around 4 months, and later switched proportions and started mixing a little of the stored milk into the bowl of rice cereal. I only nursed for 6 months or so and gradually switched to formula and cereal with applesauce then formula and Gerber around 8 months. He gobbled up the formula and food no problem so I think weaning was much harder on me than him.

I would be careful with high-iron vitamins as iron tends to "bind them up", so be sure they're getting plenty of fruits and veggies by that time or the food will go in and not come out!


Well-Known Member
You never know. I know a woman who started putting cereal in her child's bottle at 2 weeks, because she was taking advice from people from an older generation, when that sort of thing was more common. She told me about how she had asked her doctor about it and the doctor was against it. Later, I was in a position where I was offering her advice and recommended she stop, provided medical articles to back it up, etc. (Long story how this came about, I would normally mind my own business) and she told me that her doctor recommended it. :rolleyes:

But having had 4 kids of my own and taken care of a dozen or so other infants, I can tell you, whatever you plan now will go right out the window as soon as you try to put it into practice. Baby always had other ideas about how things should be done.

My doctors told me putting the cereal in the bottle too soon will upset their stomachs. They can't digest it right yet (I'm talking 1, 2 or 3 months old). I told my daughter this but with the grandbaby crying for the bottle constantly she tried the cereal too early. Guess what, screaming & crying baby with gas.


Hot Flash
My doctors told me putting the cereal in the bottle too soon will upset their stomachs. They can't digest it right yet (I'm talking 1, 2 or 3 months old). I told my daughter this but with the grandbaby crying for the bottle constantly she tried the cereal too early. Guess what, screaming & crying baby with gas.
I had to go back to my 60 hour weeks when my youngest was six weeks old. First day back at work I was taking care of a woman with a three week old. She told me how the baby slept through the night with a cereal filled bottle. I was tempted. I never saw her again, so maybe the baby got colic and screamed all of the time.

Every child is different. IMO the parents know what is right for their child and for themselves.

The other ones we read about.


Well-Known Member
I had to go back to my 60 hour weeks when my youngest was six weeks old. First day back at work I was taking care of a woman with a three week old. She told me how the baby slept through the night with a cereal filled bottle. I was tempted. I never saw her again, so maybe the baby got colic and screamed all of the time.

Every child is different. IMO the parents know what is right for their child and for themselves.

The other ones we read about.

You're right. It's a 50/50 chance if it's going to upset their stomach. So much of this is trial and error. The first time I gave my daughter apple juice (the doctor said it was okay to give it her) I had projectile vomiting and crying for hours.


Little ol' Me
I also went back to work 3 weeks after I had my son. I put a very small amount of ceral in with his bottles at 1 month old and he loved it, never had any problems with belly aches or gas. He slept great!!!

I also was told to stop breast feeding at 3 weeks because I didn't have enough vitamins for the both of us and we were both suffering from it.

I also started giving him tastes of stuff at about 5 months old, of course never left his side while eating in case of choking on something..


My wife breast fed for six months but started supplimenting with formula before then.

We started adding oatmeal or rice to jarred food also sometime aroung 6 months old and also would chop up regular food (like turkey, mashed potatoes, etc... and feed those to him. Finger foods started around this time also.

He is 14 months old now and still doesn't feed himself with utensils, although he tries but without much success. We usually chop up whatever we are having for a meal and feed it to him. We also still feed him jarred food mixed with something else when our meals aren't appropriate to feed him or we are away from home at his feeding time.

He is todler formula in a bottle or sippy cup mixed with organic whole milk several times a day also, along with sippy cups of water and juice.


Well-Known Member

I am the youngest of 7, I was breast fed until I was almost 9 mos. old; as were my brothers/sisters. To this date none of us have allergies, GI problems/acid reflux, osteoporosis or major medical issues (diabetes, obesity, etc..) Our mother eventually made our food or fed us from the table. Common sense prevailed. :blushing: