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how many llama's do you have?
Wenchy said:That's a baby llama. I did a double take with this one:
jp2854 said:glad to hear the new babies are doing good paso. I bet your on cloud nine with all the new babies being born now huh
jp2854 said:cool that isn't too bad so you will have 4 babies total congrats paso
Pasofever said:Wenchy...................
ONE baby llama...found as you saw still in sack....I worked on him and he is the same one as seen in later picture
Wenchy said:Did the mother not know what to do with him? Bojangles is looking on like, WTH? Thank goodness you found him in time.![]()
Pasofever said:Mother has had several baby's they dont do much with them just plop them out and watch them till they get up. I only have one mother that even watches her baby to see where it is that is why accidents happen to baby llamas they wonder ...under horses...I had a donkey kill a baby once as the mothers do not watch them..my white Noel is very protective...
All llamas are certified obgyn's...lol as soon as a hoof appears they are all over it..they are very friendly and nosey..I have never had a llama hurt a baby..They love the babies..
SouthernMdRocks said:That's sweet, they just don't like you swiping them and running off to the barn heh.....![]()
I still laugh at that video clip you put up!!!
Pasofever said:ONLY one..Noel...I have NO others like her thank god...though I did get spit on today over the baby..but NOT by the mother..damn Aunt got me guess she thought the mother was slacking..I can go in and handle this baby with no problems. He seems to be doing fine..Nursing well etc..Next one will be a VERY small baby VERY small first time mother so keep your fingers crossed..
SouthernMdRocks said:Will do, good luck. When is the due date?
Pasofever said:Mother has had several baby's they dont do much with them just plop them out and watch them till they get up. I only have one mother that even watches her baby to see where it is that is why accidents happen to baby llamas they wonder ...under horses...I had a donkey kill a baby once as the mothers do not watch them..my white Noel is very protective...
All llamas are certified obgyn's...lol as soon as a hoof appears they are all over it..they are very friendly and nosey..I have never had a llama hurt a baby..They love the babies..
Wenchy said:Plop them out and then what happens with the actual sack? Do they watch as the baby suffocates, does the mother eat it, or does the baby eat him/herself out of the sack? I'm asking because I don't know. Enlighten me so I am no longer ignorant.
I've seen cats and dogs give birth, but never the larger animals. That little guy looked like a goner from the pic.
Pasofever said:You hope the nose is out..which it is in this case..check the picture...then the baby flops and rolls in the sand to free itself of the sack..momma watches...then momma usually lays back down and delivers the after birth..though alot of times they deliver the baby standing and it PLOPS to the ground..this baby got toweled dry and wiped clean I also took the caps off its feet. They protect moms insides from the sharp hooves. I will get a pic of him or a video when I put him out in the sand in a day or so..they sand bathe like a chinchilla..
Pasofever said:You hope the nose is out..which it is in this case..check the picture...then the baby flops and rolls in the sand to free itself of the sack..momma watches...then momma usually lays back down and delivers the after birth..though alot of times they deliver the baby standing and it PLOPS to the ground..this baby got toweled dry and wiped clean I also took the caps off its feet. They protect moms insides from the sharp hooves. I will get a pic of him or a video when I put him out in the sand in a day or so..they sand bathe like a chinchilla..