Baby Talkers!



I would think it is weird to hear grown people talk that way. I don’t think I could tolerate hanging out with this couple for very long, because it would grind my nerves pretty bad. I have never used baby talk when dealing with my own children. Studies have shown that using baby talk to communicate with your children can lead to speech problems. I hope the children don't hear it, but I do think that if this couple has been together for awhile, it may be a hard habit to break.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:lmao: @ RodRugg

Hi, my name is Vraiblonde and I'm a baby-talker. (Hi, Vraiblonde!)

I talk baby talk to Larry all the time. I've never done it in a business meeting because I'm not in lovey dovey mode then. I not only talk baby talk to Larry, but I talk that way to the cats, to the kids, to my car. My normal speaking voice is sarcastic and clipped so when I'm being affectionate, I talk baby talk.

Color me guilty and unrepentant. It's sick and probably sounds moronic...oh well.

The funny thing is, when my kids were little I insisted on proper pronunciation. I didn't baby talk them after like 12 months or so. But I baby talk them now that they're teenagers. :lol:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I don't talk baby talk to my baby. I do talk to her alot, but I want her to learn properly. I do talk baby talk when my 5-yr old acts like a baby. He stops real fast when I do that.