Background Investigation


Go Braves!
A background check isn't that huge of a deal:roflmao:

They can however take a few weeks or a few months depending on who is doing your check and how far back and deep they feel they need to go. Sit back and enjoy the ride:yay:


I am so very blessed
Heck, one of the clients that I used to support took upwards of 18 months to get their investigations completed. Of course, this was a different scenario than applying for a dispatch job, but it does show that it can take a looooong-azz time to get an investigation done.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lilypad said:
if you were having a intensive background check would you TELL the WHOLE world?
It doesn't sound like she's having an "intensive background check". She's going to be a dispatcher, not a federal spook.


I bowl overhand
BadGirl said:
Heck, one of the clients that I used to support took upwards of 18 months to get their investigations completed. Of course, this was a different scenario than applying for a dispatch job, but it does show that it can take a looooong-azz time to get an investigation done.
Speaking of background check.. aren't you do for an intensive probe??


New Member
Lilypad said:
Right on Bob!
I know this much so far:
She lives in LaPlata
Her parents live 2 miles away from her
Has a 7 yr old
Use to drive a Mazda-until it was repo'd.
Her fiance owns his own company-home improvements
She works for a dentist

Got it all right except parents live 236 miles away not 2 miles but thanks.

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
mandylee said:
I have a question if there are any PCO (Police Communication Officers) I am currently going through a background investigation and in my 7th week and was wondering how long it took for anyone else. I am really anxcious about this job was hoping someone in the threads was a dispatcher. Thanks for any help. Love reading the post, u all crack me up.
Average background checks for contraced investigating companies is 3 weeks. The gov. takes 3 months.


New Member
Thanks for all the replies its no big deal if I post a question of how long it takes but asking personal questions about it would. A person might be a little anxcious about a job and thought maybe someone else went through it before I called. Thanks for all the decent replies. I guess before I post next time I should go through certain people so they don't embarass you.


New Member
Oh and lily just cause my mazda was repoed doesn't mean I used to have, I still have it, Little thing called ya learn from your mistakes. Thanks for broadcasting.


Well-Known Member
mandylee said:
Got it all right except parents live 236 miles away not 2 miles but thanks.
I've only posted about what YOU'VE posted about...
Folks musta moved-my bad :flowers:
Quote: "was also checking out my parents house when I noticed the base(they live 2 min away) so it just suprized me".
Last edited by mandylee : 12-05-2005 at 05:48 PM.