Hot Flash
Sew your vagina shut, STAT!
It's been sewn shut for years. What's your problem?
Sew your vagina shut, STAT!
What does a 42L woman relate to a man (size wise)?
It's been sewn shut for years.
Extra large in the a$$ department?
42L sounds like a large number.
I was a swimmer and I'm sure many can verify I have a small butt.
Back to the parenting issue.
Back to the parenting issue.
Do what you think is right, then beat the $hit out of him and make him listen.
Problem solved.
Thank you.
Is Hank your MPD?
Is Hank your MPD?
Me and Hank may be long lost brothers.
But his Mother would of been a .............................................
Sleep well.
Yes.Am I being too strict?
Jumping in late here but slightly post teenage kid of mine came to the dinner table and sat there with head in lap, texting, ignoring Mom and me and just picking at dinner. There was a not so gentile reminder as to who pays for that cell phone. He who gave did take away at that moment. Problem solved.
Daughter sent the son an iPod for his birthday. I got tired of repeating myself three times as he was listening to his music; plucked his ear buds out and took away the iPod and ear buds for the rest of the weekend.
He has a TV with a multitude of channels and a laptop. Tune me out with an iPod and it's war.
I will send the gift back to his sister or will destroy it myself.
I remember the headgear (walkman?) in the 70's but I never had one.
This iPod music and kids tuning us out is not acceptable to me.
Am I being too strict?