Bald Eagles


professional daydreamer
The Tester ran an article a few years ago...claimed something like a dozen pair on base. :shrug:


New Member
That may be the pair I see on this side. They fly back and forth often. I've been made aware that the female is the bigger bird. Sorry for the misinfo in my other post.

That is a up river from us. No doubt that the Wicomico has a lot of Eagles. Great habitat-for now....
The Tester ran an article a few years ago...claimed something like a dozen pair on base. :shrug:

Could be. Maryland Natural Resourses (Motto: It belongs to the state, but we might let you use, catch it or shoot it it for a fee) says there are 22 nesting pairs in St Marys.

I know we have a bunch on and around the base. There are also a bunch in Dameron. I lived there a few years back, and have an old picture somewhere of 5 or 6 bald eagles in one photo, all flying around.