Baltimore Grand Prix


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
:yay: That ! From what I saw on VS , Baltimore finally has :dingding: again ! It was nice to see sights of Baltimore I haven't seen in 6 years thanks to the coverage of VS . It would have been nice to have Oriol win for the many Oriole's fans :yahoo:

It was awesome in person. Can't wait to go back.


We had a great time at the race. Got there early and left as soon as it traffic problems at all. was good to finally meet you :lol:


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
We went up Saturday, HOME RUN for the city and state!!!!

Traffic, fans, course, vendors, police- all fantastic!!

Funds to improve roadways for the 2011 – 2016 Baltimore Grand Prix will come from two sources: Federal Highway Aid under the Surface Transportation program (STP) and a grant repayment agreement based on the City's share of state Highway User Revenues (HUR). The total estimated cost of improvements is $7.75 million comprised of $5 million STP funds and $2.75 in repayable HUR grants. In accordance with federal and state rules, these funds may only be used transportation-related expenses, and may not be diverted to other City programs

Indy racing to hit the streets of Baltimore in 2011

I wish Maryland had a race once a week, considering this event brought over $100M in to the local economy the first year. Non-local money going to locals helps the local economy more than locals swapping the same $10 back and forth.

I went up Friday to sign in and everything, traffic was atrocious. But traffic was a breeze on Saturday and Sunday, better than normal Baltimore City traffic.

Yes, race was a home run, exceeded everyone's expectations. All the drivers I talked to, none of them had a bad thing to say about the race.

The fans congregating outside victory lane was awesome, never seen anything like it.

The National Anthem was the worst piece of crap I've ever heard. "Home of the brave.... brave... the brave.... brave" WTF is wrong with just singing it as its intended to be performed.

Have the VS telecast on now in HD. They were everywhere I was.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
:yay: That ! From what I saw on VS , Baltimore finally has :dingding: again ! It was nice to see sights of Baltimore I haven't seen in 6 years thanks to the coverage of VS . It would have been nice to have Oriol win for the many Oriole's fans :yahoo:

I loved Oriol's quote after the race:

"The Orioles' wings were with Oriol today."

Too bad the Orioles' wings haven't been with the Orioles this century. Although, Oriol may be right, he lost.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
This is remarkable, usually, when I watch a telecast of a race I attended, it's like watching two different races.

VS' coverage is remarkable.