

People rush to file before new law takes affect.

So since business won and it will now be harder for people to stiff them, who thinks interest rates for consumer credit will drop? If the interest rates charged include built in costs for non collected revenue, and this measure will reduce the non collected revenue, the companies will pass the savings onto the good customers who pay on time right?
Pete said:
People rush to file before new law takes affect.

So since business won and it will now be harder for people to stiff them, who thinks interest rates for consumer credit will drop? If the interest rates charged include built in costs for non collected revenue, and this measure will reduce the non collected revenue, the companies will pass the savings onto the good customers who pay on time right?
Yeah, and I will ride a flying pig on my way to the polls to vote for Hillary.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
"Penalty fees are needed as "deterrents" to bad (spending) behavior."-Nessa Feddis, senior federal counsel, American Bankers Association to Consumer Reports Nov. 2005

Whatever you do...DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH! :lol:


kom526 said:
"Penalty fees are needed as "deterrents" to bad (spending) behavior."-Nessa Feddis, senior federal counsel, American Bankers Association to Consumer Reports Nov. 2005

Whatever you do...DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH! :lol:
I wrote a paper on this in college.

Usually I am the champion of personal responsibility but on this when I started research I kind of drifted a little left and as I have aged I have drifted even more left as I see how stupid and unable so many are of controlling themselves.

While I think it is appauling that people go out and over extend themselves after pledging good faith, I think it is equally as appauling the lending practices employed by the banking industry.

With the information age, money lending industry knows more real time information about you than ever before. They project almost down to the dollar how much uncollected revenue they will have in a year and allow for that in their models and still make record profits which is good and the American way. What is not good is when reasonable, logical, supposed legitimate lenders evaluate someone who is requesting credit and find a FICO of 451, $50K in outstanding credit on a $23K income, numerous 30, 60, 90 day lates, repo's, foreclosures, and even prior bankruptcies AND they approve them!

Dumb people are everywhere, desperate people are everywhere, dumb desperate people are everywhere. Bankruptcy needs reforms because of abuse, but it still needs to remain the last bastion of refuge for those who befall bad times. Shiat happens sometimes. If lending companies want to take HUGE illogical risks with their money they can. But when the innevitable happens and the bad loans they made despite every indication they should not have not made them start going bad, do not run to Uncle Sugar and ask for another law to protect yourself from stupid decisions.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
:yeahthat: I especially like the "dumb people are everywhere" line. Yes they are everywhere, the problem is that they do not know they are dumb. :lol:


In the old days reason prevailed. People actually looked at your credit history, spoke with you, and made their decision. Now it is cutthroat, computer screened and without logic. They hope that they will get some interest money from you for a while before you default or even buch the trend and pay it off. It has become a bait and switch game, with fine print, hidden clauses, hidden fees used to bait in the uneducated, and vulnerable. I taught a financial responsibility class for new check ins to my last squadron. I saved the hundreds of unsolicieted credit card offers I got in the mail and used them as training aides. If you actually read them some of the clauses are staggering. Interest rates that go from a respectable level to the highest legal rate in so many days or if a payment is 1 day late. Fee's, annual card fee's. If these accounts go late the fee's and penalties are so staggering you can not recover.

Many years ago I had a very good friend who worked in the banking business. He started as a check cancelor in the back room when it was done by hand. He worked his way up to Vice President of one of the only totally solvent banks in the nation. We used to sit and talk about financial stuff all the time. He used to be very tight when he was a loan officer. He would not loan more than 80% on a car, period, end of story. He would really scrutinize loans. He told a story one time of a couple who came in to borrow money for an engagement ring. He refused them. He told them that they did not need to start out in the hole like that, to go save the money and come back in a year. One year later he met with them for 2 hours and financially planned their first 5 years with them.

My friend also influenced my opinion of people and their financial health. His bank charged only $5 for a returned check. Almost unheard of because even back then the typical charge was $20. He leaned foreward and told me in all seriousness that his branch alone, made enough money $5 at a time from bad checks written on their accounts to pay the wages of every non management person in the branch every week, about 12 people.

Lastly, my friend used to go to every bankruptcy hearing filed against them. Nearly EVERY bank and lending institution today totally blows this off. When a person files bankruptcy, they have to list all their creditors. The creditor is notified to come to a hearing to either claim money, claim the collateral for a secured loan, or make arrangements for repayment. With the exception of Sears, not a single creditor bothered going to the 15 hearings I sat through at the US Court house, NOT ONE! they don't care, too much work, hassle, just let it go. So now the banks want the government to do their work for them?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I missed a payment once on a credit card. Just somehow got lost through the cracks.

When they jacked my interest rates up and penalized me with fees, I calmly called them up and offered to cancel my card. Let's just say they saw it my way pretty quick and I actually got an even lower interest rate and my fees were reversed.