Banning Smoking????

Should all smoking be banned in public indoor places?

  • Yes

    Votes: 62 50.4%
  • No

    Votes: 48 39.0%
  • It doesn't bother me

    Votes: 13 10.6%

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The fact is, as far as bars and restaurants go, you non-smokers are outnumbered. Deal with it. There's no smoking in most public indoor places, as SeaRide pointed out - the only public place left where you can smoke is a bar or a restaurant. You have been more than accommodated.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
The fact is, as far as bars and restaurants go, you non-smokers are outnumbered. Deal with it. There's no smoking in most public indoor places, as SeaRide pointed out - the only public place left where you can smoke is a bar or a restaurant. You have been more than accommodated.

WRONG!! Vrai, it's not a fact. Most ski resorts have bars, nightlife clubs and restaurants, you smokers are outnumbered big time. Most ski resorts during the summer have the same thing for mtn bikers, hikers, fly fishers, golfers, etc.. you smokers are outnumbered. See where I am going with this?


Asperger's Poster Child
Good point, Vrai. I think both smokers and nonsmokers will be happy as long as there are available restaurants for either crowd. The nonsmokers with toddlers can go to Bob Evans and the smokers can go to Damon's.


Indy Bound
I think you are right about bars having more smoking but I have noticed more restaurants being the opposite. The smoking sections are much smaller and mostly empty. Alot of people are quitting. I have a lot of friends who smoke like chimneys, but sit in the non smoking section b/c it makes them sick to eat around it. I just think its a matter of courtesty. You may disagree with the idea that its about manners, but every behavior you do is a type of manner. If you don't swear in front of small children, its b/c most people don't want the kids to pick up bad manners. Same thing about the courtesty not to cough in someones face. I just don't understand how people can't think its rude to smoke while someone is trying to eat?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SeaRide
Most ski resorts have bars, nightlife clubs and restaurants, you smokers are outnumbered big time. Most ski resorts during the summer have the same thing for mtn bikers, hikers, fly fishers, golfers, etc.. you smokers are outnumbered. See where I am going with this?
Some of them couldn't afford ciggys after they got there? :razz:


Originally posted by Sharon
Some of them couldn't afford ciggys after they got there? :razz:
Nah.. most ladies rather smoke on something else underwater in the hot tub with men. And it cost them nothing :razz:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You have been more than accommodated.

See, that's the thing. How do you decide whose rights are more important? Smokers or non-smokers. How do you say non-smokers have been accomodated? It could also be said that smokers have been accomodated too long.


Indy Bound
Your right. Its a tough issue. You can't make everone happy thats for sure. I guess we all just have to make choices based on our opinions. I try and eat at restaurants where the smoke won't bother me or there isn't one and I guess smokers look for places where they can smoke.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by SeaRide
Nah.. most ladies rather smoke on something else underwater in the hot tub with men. And it cost them nothing :razz:

I can't believe I'm going to ask--how do they hold their breath long enough to finish their, uh, smoke? :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Logic check. If there are more non-smokers than smokers (which there are), then why don't the restaurant and bar owners want to go non-smoking?

There ARE non-smoking restaurants besides McDonalds and Bob Evans. The Dry Dock, CD Cafe, Spinnakers (last time I looked), most Chinese restaurants. I'm sure there are more but you get my point. If smoking bothers you, go to a restaurant where they don't allow it. Don't expect every restaurant to accommodate you because in doing that, they're not accommodating the rest of us.

Catt, nobody's rights are more important than anyone else's. But smokers have agreed not to smoke at the mall, fast food places, the grocery store, the library, etc. The very least non-smokers can do in return is not complain about the restaurants and bars. Go to a non-smoking restaurant. There are options for you.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by cattitude
Not gettin "any" Pixie???:biggrin:

I'm getting more then enough for once! :biggrin:

We got awarded a huge new contract and now we're playing the "office shuffle." We're designing a whole new site for those who are going to wrok on the new tasking. The new site isn't ready yet but are cubes have already been promised. So I got moved out of my cube into a temporary cube for the next week or so while they finish the design site. I get in this morning only to find out neither my phone nor my computer are working. Something is wrong with the connection in the new cube.

I made the receptionist take a break just so I could get on her computer.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jeneisen
I try and eat at restaurants where the smoke won't bother me or there isn't one and I guess smokers look for places where they can smoke.
And there you have it! Simple solution!


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The very least non-smokers can do in return is not complain about the restaurants and bars. Go to a non-smoking restaurant. There are options for you.

As I said, I don't complain. I guess my gripe really is with "my" smoker. I sit in the kitchen and watch tv so he can smoke and watch his shows...I always sit in the smoking area of the restaurants...I'm exposed to smoke in all car rides...

Did I know this when I married him? Sure. But my health I guess that's MY fault.

Good thing is I guess I won't outlive him by too much, huh?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's called compromise. When Larry quit smoking, I agreed to not smoke in the house. I do smoke in our bedroom, though, because that's where my computer is. But the computer is situated right next to a window, which I open WIDE so I can blow smoke out. Larry will complain about me having the window open, because of course no matter what you do to compromise, there will still be b*tching :lol:.

The only reason I got to smoke in the bedroom is because he got tired of me sitting in the garage with the laptop. He was like, "Are you ever coming in?" And I'd say, "When it's time for bed, sure." The garage didn't bother me - I have a space heater - but for some reason it used to drive him insane that I'd sit out there to smoke and surf.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by vraiblonde
It's called compromise.

Yeah, he smokes wherever/whenever. BUT he's a good guy and I get whatever/whenever. I just worry about HIS health mainly. (and, I think he's beginning to think the same way...... )


Cleopatra Jones
Does anyone realize you're sucking in far more dangerous and noxious fumes from car exhausts than from us smokers? :confused:

As several have said on here, there are plenty of restaurants that don't allow smoking. Go eat there. I for the most part will only go to a restaurant that allows smoking during my lunch hour (unless I order it for takeout), which pretty much has limited me to Lonestar.

I'll NEVER go to a bar that is non-smoking.:cool: