bar/liquor for wedding reception


New Member
Softballkid said:
Ok, after reading through this..I'm sorta kinda confusedid...

My reception is at Bay District FD, they do not have a liquor license...

How do I have open bar that night?

Contact the fire department contact you have - and I could also find that out for you as we're doing the photography for a wedding Saturday that the reception is there!


yeah yeah
BadGirl said:
Let's presume that there are 150 people at a wedding reception with an open bar, and the reception lasts 4 hours. How much money is a reasonable estimate for a bar bill?

well just as an idea for an hour.. I had an open bar for an hour, and not everyone showed up because of the damn hurricane, and my open bar tab was 800+ bucks


All Up In Your Grill
watercolor said:
well just as an idea for an hour.. I had an open bar for an hour, and not everyone showed up because of the damn hurricane, and my open bar tab was 800+ bucks

Consider yourself lucky. :lmao:

My last wedding, I got all the liquor from a local bar owner, bought the setups myself, bought kegs and paid two bartenders to take care of the bar. The bar owner only charged me for the liquor used.

My bill was still more than what your bar tab was, but I had over 250 drinkers at my wedding. :lmao:


yeah yeah
nachomama said:
Consider yourself lucky. :lmao:

oh I do. And sometimes its a small blessing that not everyone showed up. 275 were invited, and we had like 120 show. So basically, 120 people drinking for an hour was 800+ dollars. I think if I remember right it was like 885.


Yo Gabba Gabba
nrp82smr said:
the security is now included in the price of the hall rental... i was specifically told that i would need to give them there license numbers...
IMHO, that place is ridiculously priced for the number of people it holds.