Barry Bonds

Barry Bonds

  • Bonds is a good player and thats that.

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • He's a cheater

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • I don't think the steroids helped him, but I'm going to play that card because he's a prick.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I don't care one way or another

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters


Barry Bonds 3 HR away from record.
How do you feel about Barry Bonds breaking Hank Aaron's all time HR record?

Personally I don't believe hitting home runs has anything to do with a persons physique, I believe it's all in the technique. (look at the Babe)

I also believe that the steroid hype is more of an issue with people because Bonds is a prick.
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gumbo said:
Barry Bonds 3 HR away from record.
How do you feel about Barry Bonds breaking Hank Aaron's all time HR record?

Personally I don't believe hitting home runs has anything to do with a persons physique, I believe that the steroid hype is more of an issue with people because Bonds is a prick.

I think that there should be a 'special' exhibit at Cooperstown for the 'roid' users !
A bare cinderblock bathroom facility with all of their plaques mounted there !


FireBrand said:
I think that there should be a 'special' exhibit at Cooperstown for the 'roid' users !
A bare cinderblock bathroom facility with all of their plaques mounted there !
Dude! Why don't ya tell us how you really feel... :lmao:

White Buddah

I wish all of the pitchers would walk him for as many years as he thinks he can play. Ok I lied. I wish everyone that has the opportunity to pitch to him would throw inside: high and IN, low and IN, and high and IN.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Does that...

White Buddah said:
I wish all of the pitchers would walk him for as many years as he thinks he can play. Ok I lied. I wish everyone that has the opportunity to pitch to him would throw inside: high and IN, low and IN, and high and IN.

...include the 'juicing' pitchers as well?

Baseball is at fault here as much or more than Bonds. If a guy gets caught cheating he gets tossed from the game, fined, suspended. Baseball has allowed steroid use and celebrated it as a business decision; see McGuire, Sosa et al.

It sucks for Aaron and fans that this has been allowed to happen, but it has and that is not all on Bonds.

It's part of why I hardly have anything to do with baseball anymore.


New Member
Technique has some impact but nothing replaces sheer power.

Look what happened after Maguire and Sosa started bulking up.


Nothing to see here
jackers said:
Technique has some impact but nothing replaces sheer power.

Look what happened after Maguire and Sosa started bulking up.

I am not taking sides with McGwire(he was and is an ass)..but he WAS always a big guy and a power hitter..His rookie year, he had 35 homers at the all-star break..You can't say the same for Sosa and Bonds.


Bonds is an ass too. I remember the glory days when the Giants would meet the Braves in the playoffs and the Braves pitchers would hold him hitless throughout the series. :lol:


Nothing to see here
Pete said:
Bonds is an ass too. I remember the glory days when the Giants would meet the Braves in the playoffs and the Braves pitchers would hold him hitless throughout the series. :lol:

Oh yeah..never liked him when he was with Pittsburgh, long before he turned into RoidMan. He always had an obnoxious arrogance about him.

Funny, there are very few ballplayers in any sport that I have respect for anymore. Most of them should wake up every morning and thank their lucky stars they aren't sitting in the Gas-n-Go booth midnight to 8.


otter said:
Oh yeah..never liked him when he was with Pittsburgh, long before he turned into RoidMan. He always had an obnoxious arrogance about him.

Funny, there are very few ballplayers in any sport that I have respect for anymore. Most of them should wake up every morning and thank their lucky stars they aren't sitting in the Gas-n-Go booth midnight to 8.
I used to be a huge baseball fan but I just can't get into it anymore. i saw on ESPN last night Bonds at bats and even then only 3 away I couldn't care less.

Roids or not he is a good athlete. The pure dynamics of hitting a baseball at all let alone a HR are amazing but baseball has totally lost it's luster for me. I feel a stir around LCS time and some during the World Series but that's it.

The strike back in 94? pretty much sealed it for me. Now days I cannot even pronounce half the names and it doesn't matter because they wont be there next year anyway. The Yankees spending billions and being in the hunt is annoying, not making it to the series despite spending a billion is funny :lol:


Set Trippin
otter said:
Funny, there are very few ballplayers in any sport that I have respect for anymore. Most of them should wake up every morning and thank their lucky stars they aren't sitting in the Gas-n-Go booth midnight to 8.
Makes me think.... Can you name a professional athlete that you respect? One that is active right now...


mainman said:
Makes me think.... Can you name a professional athlete that you respect? One that is active right now...
Adam Archilet.............never mind :lol:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
mainman said:
Makes me think.... Can you name a professional athlete that you respect? One that is active right now...
Do Redskinettes count?


mainman said:
I was being serious....:lol:
Read his wiki biography. Daly is a mans man. :lmao: With all the shiat that guy has done to himself and had happen the fact he still gets up in the morning is enough for me to admire him.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There's some...

mainman said:
Makes me think.... Can you name a professional athlete that you respect? One that is active right now...


Mark Brunnel. I don't like his play but I respect him.

Tim Duncan. Super super star who choose to be a rather regular Joe.

Tom Pernice. Got the call as 1st alternate with a day to get to Carnoustie. Missed cut. That he went just for the chance to play, I respect that.

Tiger. Is anyone living a life more than Tiger that you'd like to see your son live?

Gotta be more.

I have some respect for Bonds because of what he puts up with and he didn't just retire. He still has the ability and, so he plays. He, like all of us, has one life to live.