Barry Bonds


vraiblonde said:
Hell, they don't even go after cocaine abusers like they go after steroids. What part of this story am I missing? :confused:


Oh - wait.. that's not a big deal either.

I did not have sexual relations with that woman


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Softballkid said:
Well, from what has been proven / said, Rose has only been caught betting when he was coaching. But, I dont think that tarnishes baseball as much because he wasnt dealing with records that have stood for years and years...
Coaching/playing does not matter. He was in a position to influence the outcome of the game.


No Longer the Kid
2ndAmendment said:
Coaching/playing does not matter. He was in a position to influence the outcome of the game.

No, he and reporters have already said, that players never were changed in and out due to who they played, or pitchers getting starts switched around or any kind of stuff like that... and as a manager, you cant just make someone not hit, or anything like that...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Pete Rose
I never understood that outrage either. "Oh no!! Pete Rose is betting on baseball!!" :jameo:

So??? :coffee:

I can understand Bonds being in trouble and in danger of having his record stripped. But literally EVERY time I turn on the TV, it's all about Bonds. I feel sorry for the guy because he is a definite target for the media and other assorted wackadoodles right now.


Asperger's Poster Child
Softballkid said:
Well, from what has been proven / said, Rose has only been caught betting when he was coaching. But, I dont think that tarnishes baseball as much because he wasnt dealing with records that have stood for years and years...
Right. He only tarnished himself.

Rose has been campaigining to get into the Hall of Fame. I can think of two options: 1) Admit him into the Hall upon his death, but have his plaque state that he was banned for life and why; or 2) Build a Hall of Shame in Cooperstown in an old-time outhouse or in a modern portapotty, and put Rose's plaque there.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...Mr. Black and White.

Bonds didn't break any rules as turdin pointed out. Now what do you think?
He may not have broken any MLB STEROID rules, but he did break the law.. Controlled substance, illegal drug use.. so there may not have been any specific rules to the use of Steroids, but I bet there was a law about using illegal drugs, or illegally using controlled substances.


I bowl overhand
MMDad said:
Who hurt the game more? Pete Rose or Bonds?
CHICAGO — The opening of the baseball season emphasises how the expelled members of the White Sox baseball team of 1919 have passed into oblivion. All of the players implicated in the plot to throw the World Series, except Buck Weaver, have shaken the dust of Chi-cago from their boots. Joe Jackson disappeared after the courts found no possible legal action against him. Only the memory of the shame that they brought to the game lingers behind them.

Almost 100 years ago, and it doesn't seem it that it was very detrimental to the sport, and it was a heck of a lot worse then anything Rose or Bonds did. If anything, people like Rose, and Bonds, keep baseball in the headlines, and keep people talking.. = more revenue for MLB..


staring into the abyss
Rose's betting brought up the ugly spectre of the 1919 black socks, which almost brought down baseball. A player or coach betting on his own team draws the motivation of the player/coach into question. If he bets they'll lose, is he trying to throw the game. If he bets they'll win, was he throwing other games to make his odds/payout better?

Beyond that he lied about it. Then he lied about it some more. The he lied about lying about it. The he said he lied about it in a book he was hawking. As good as Rose was on the field, he's shredded every ounce of credibility since getting kicked out. My 2cents: he never makes the HoF.

Bonds didn't break any MLB rules, although he may have broken a number of US laws concerning drug use. This is MLB's only real out, but the commisioner is unwilling to stand up and do what he should to end the contraversy. Bond's defense is "he didn't know" and "he never willingly" and "you can't prove it" which is a steaming pile. The proof is out there, Bonds took steroids. Then he lied to a grand jury about it and he's continued to lie to the public. The other MLB players have either fessed up and gotten sanctioned or lied+lied+lied and/or taken the "I didn't know" route.

The reason ESPN and SI won't let it go is that its been festering for the entire off season. MLB hasn't taken anything but token baby steps, keeping their eye firmly on the big bucks. Bonds has kept his pumpkin head shut and has kept clean, so buh-bye record setting year. He may still break the big records, I don't really care anymore.


Nothing to see here
vraiblonde said:
But literally EVERY time I turn on the TV, it's all about Bonds. I feel sorry for the guy because he is a definite target for the media and other assorted wackadoodles right now.

:nono: Years and years of Bonds treating the media like crap are just coming back to haunt him. I remember when he was still with Pittsburgh, he was probably the most hated ballplayer by broadcasters and sports writers. He is getting exactly what he deserves, IMO.


This Space for Rent
How can anyone say none of this stuff matters? That it isn't so important?!
Baseball is an American religion!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
otter said:
Years and years of Bonds treating the media like crap are just coming back to haunt him. I remember when he was still with Pittsburgh, he was probably the most hated ballplayer by broadcasters and sports writers.
Is that right? I don't pay attention to sports because I find them boring. Athletes have to do something mainstream interesting (like be accused of rape) before they catch my attention. :lol:


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
Is that right? I don't pay attention to sports because I find them boring. Athletes have to do something mainstream interesting (like be accused of rape) before they catch my attention. :lol:


Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is a DAMN good...

MMDad said:
Who hurt the game more? Pete Rose or Bonds?


Rose is villified for gambling on baseball, on his team.

He claims he bet them to win which is supposed to make it OK but, that is irrelevent. If you have a bet on your team to win it is obvious that there is strong likelyhood that you would manage differently than if, say, your were trying to see how your new closer would do in a tight spot in order to know what you had for later.

He broke specific, well known rules that no one was ignoring.

Bonds must be lumped in a group, McGuire, Sosa, Giambi, Brady Anderson that one year, probably some pitchers, Canseco, a whole bunch of people. That whole group got a wink and nod from the owners and sportswriters and, frankly, the fans. They broke no specific rules.

I'd have to say, as much as Pete Rose IS Mr. Baseball, he hurt the game more.


This Space for Rent
Back when McGuire was knocking them out of the park I got in a heated argument because I said the guy had to be on steroids. I couldn't believe anyone would think otherwise when they looked at the 'waist' size on his arms. I think he could have worn jeans on them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There's a video of him...

FromTexas said:
Back when McGuire was knocking them out of the park I got in a heated argument because I said the guy had to be on steroids. I couldn't believe anyone would think otherwise when they looked at the 'waist' size on his arms. I think he could have worn jeans on them.

...on the field during 'the' year, pre game, with Bill Goldberg, the pro wrestler, who played O'lineman in college and the pros for awhile.

McGuire made him look small.

Not everyone has adult acne either.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's asinine...

FromTexas said:
Back when McGuire was knocking them out of the park I got in a heated argument because I said the guy had to be on steroids. I couldn't believe anyone would think otherwise when they looked at the 'waist' size on his arms. I think he could have worn jeans on them.

...look at Anderson. At the begining of that period, early 90's, he hit 50 freaking HR', out of the blue. He looked like a tank. Did his one year, got the big contract, never heard from again.


Nothing to see here
FromTexas said:
Back when McGuire was knocking them out of the park I got in a heated argument because I said the guy had to be on steroids. I couldn't believe anyone would think otherwise when they looked at the 'waist' size on his arms. I think he could have worn jeans on them.

Compare pics of McGuire when he was a rookie and when he retired..Very little difference...Do the same with Bonds,Brady,Sosa..etal, there is a huge difference. McGuire has been a bona fide home run hitter since day one, the others no way. McGuire's rookie season, he had 35 dingers at the All-Star break. Just to be clear, I am not saying that McGuire did or didn't do steroids or excusing it if he did, Im just saying that McGuire did not change physically like the others did, he's always been huge and always a power hitter.