Bathroom Newspaper

Ever picked up (and read) a BR paper?

  • No, but refer to my post for details

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Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever picked up one of those newspapers someone leaves on the bathroom floor (in the stall...usually) and read it?

I personally couldn't see picking something up that other people have just held with their nasty, used-yet-unwashed :wink:, hands. :barf:
Has anyone ever picked up one of those newspapers someone leaves on the bathroom floor (in the stall...usually) and read it?

I personally couldn't see picking something up that other people have just held with their nasty, used-yet-unwashed :wink:, hands. :barf:

I wouldn't want to touch it because it was on the floor let alone being in the hands of someone doing their business. The floor is worse that what could be on their hands!!


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I think you see a lot more of them in the mens room vs. the ladies. Women usually don't stroll off to the toilet with a paper tucked under their arm. We tend to do our business and get out, men seem to need a lot more time camped out on the pot for some reason.

But no, anything on the floor of a public toilet stays there! Yuck.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't want to touch it because it was on the floor let alone being in the hands of someone doing their business. The floor is worse that what could be on their hands!!

true that.

I didn't want to really get into detail though so I guess I left that out :lol:

yeah, anything on the bathroom floor can stay there. (ok honestly...if it were anything larger in denomination than a one dollar bill...I can always wash my hands lol)


I've never seen anything to read on the floor before :shrug: If I did I sure as heck wouldn't touch it :barf:


In My Opinion
It has been scientifically proven that the folded pages of the paper are able to catch and hold the odoriferous emanations that flow from the anal orifice of the individual holding the paper while they release their excrement.

when you pick up a paper as such, the fumes are released and you are smelling fresh excretion as though your nose was pressed firmly between their crack as their sphincter muscle gently massages your nostrils.

the gum under the sink is pretty safe though.


Well-Known Member
This may be a bit off topic, but hink about those buffet restaurants......
tongs in the salad bowl, ladels in the dressing etc..

How are we so sure everyone on the buffet line washed his/her hands before eating?

How are we so sure there isn't anyone in line who just came out of the restaurant bathroom; having washed his/her hands? To the "reasonable man/woman" that's simply proper hygiene. Right?


New Member
Hell yes, I read it. When I open the stall door and see a newspaper lying there my heart does a little jump for joy. It's almost the same feeling as winning a scratch-off lottery ticket. We take our joy where we can find it.


ok ya'll ain't gona read the paper but ya'll would sit on the toilet:confused:

I can't stand up while I am sending the engineers off to grad school!!!:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I would be more worried about what's on the floor instead of what was on their hands. Typically, people read while they're doing their business. Then, they put down the paper, wipe, and get out. I doubt anyone is going to wipe, then pick the paper up and read some more. :shrug:

I put way too much thought into that. :ohwell:


I think you see a lot more of them in the mens room vs. the ladies. Women usually don't stroll off to the toilet with a paper tucked under their arm. We tend to do our business and get out, men seem to need a lot more time camped out on the pot for some reason.
Always wondered that myself. I guess their bomb doors take longer to open before said ordinance can be released. :shrug: