Because hot babes hate him too


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
This shocked me when I first got on because I St. Marys County and most of Maryland as a whole was democratic.
There are lots of Democrats on this forum - they're just conservative Democrats, so you don't recognize them. They're not out throwing blood on women who wear fur coats, or marching in Queer Nation parades, or slashing the tires of SUVs, or throwing themselves in front of bulldozers, or calling George Bush a liar.


Football addict
Originally posted by vraiblonde
There are lots of Democrats on this forum - they're just conservative Democrats, so you don't recognize them. They're not out throwing blood on women who wear fur coats, or marching in Queer Nation parades, or slashing the tires of SUVs, or throwing themselves in front of bulldozers, or calling George Bush a liar.

I suppose that makes me a conservative democrat then. Ill just be a hypocrite and stick with the title of Independent:smile:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
I suppose that makes me a conservative democrat then. Ill just be a hypocrite and stick with the title of Independent:smile:
But as an Independent you don't get to play in the primary and won't be able to vote for Edwards.


Football addict
Originally posted by Ken King
But as an Independent you don't get to play in the primary and won't be able to vote for Edwards.

Thats why im registered as a democrat.

When the republican primarys come up again I will change in advance:wink:


Originally posted by BuddyLee
Thats why im registered as a democrat.

When the republican primarys come up again I will change in advance:wink:
I will give you a good example of "real Democrats" Go read that stuff and then come back and tell us how much of a Conservative Democrat you are. After reading 2 or 3 threads I would change my affiliation to "Liberal Republican" to distance myself from these losers.


Originally posted by BuddyLee
Posted by billmaher at 06:39 PM
CLEANED UP QUOTES... cont'd...

The president said in his Teatime with Tim Russert interview that, regarding his time in the Guard, “And I would have gone (to Vietnam, that is) had my unit been called up, by the way.”

How brave, seeing that during Vietnam, over 2.5 million Americans went to Vietnam, and out of that, the number of guardsmen called up was 8700. 8700 out of 2 and a half million, which is less than .3%.

So to say “I would have gone” when he knew he never would (on top of which, he flew an obsolete plane that never would have been called to Vietnam) – fine, but once again, not the kind of thing that, to me, shouts “honor and integrity.” Although, I guess even the president’s fans have realized by now that ‘honor and integrity’ was more of a Campaign 2000 thing. Oh well, still better than a “liberal.”

Bush also said to Russert, basically, ‘you can go after me, but don’t denigrate the Guard,” to which I said, “there he goes again” – creating a straw man! No one’s denigrating the Guard!

But what I think has gotten lost in this debate is that the Guard is a completely different institution today that it was in the Vietnam era, and The Master of Morphing is trying to morph the National Guard of today with the one he was in back then, the same way he morphed monogamy into integrity in the election and Bin Laden into Hussein in the War on Terror. The numbers speak for themselves: 0.3% then; today in Iraq, 22% of the force serving are Guard.

People get nervous if we speak of the military in anything less than hagiography, but I remember the last 60s, early 70s – even in 8th grade, we knew the National Guard was a place to hide, not fight.

As Colin Powell says in his autobiography: “I am angry that so many of the sons of the powerful and well placed managed to wrangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units” –

I don’t think anyone’s wrangling spots in the Guard today. So isn’t Powell talking about the president in this quote? If George Bush, jumping over hundreds to get that slot in the Champagne Division, is not the “powerful and well placed” wrangling a spot, who is?

To try and talk about the Guard as the president is doing as if its the same one today as then is not to give the Guard of today their due – and by implying that the kind of service it was back then is the kind of more heroic service it is today – isn’t he the one who’s denigrating the Guard?

Its like implying a Model T is an Explorer SUV because both are called Fords.
Did you notice that Bill eased off on this National Guard thing last night? He said that it is stupid to judge a person on what they did as a 22 year old. Funny how this stance comes up when Kerry's Vietnam record now comes under scrutiny. Whenit was just Bush getting bashed he was full of critisism, but now that it is spilling over on Kerry he has changed his position to "Leave them alone over what happened 30 years ago. Wonder what his agenda is? I hope you see this show for what it really is, just comedy and not a serious political discourse.


Football addict
I think

Originally posted by Pete
Did you notice that Bill eased off on this National Guard thing last night? He said that it is stupid to judge a person on what they did as a 22 year old. Funny how this stance comes up when Kerry's Vietnam record now comes under scrutiny. Whenit was just Bush getting bashed he was full of critisism, but now that it is spilling over on Kerry he has changed his position to "Leave them alone over what happened 30 years ago. Wonder what his agenda is? I hope you see this show for what it really is, just comedy and not a serious political discourse.

I think he's split 50/50 as he has stated in many other places besides his show. He is really passionate about his views but then again in order to get peoples attention nowadays you have to hit them up with some comedic relief, I think thats how he put it. Besides I dont think he sides with Kerry so much more than he does with Bush. If you watched the entire episode last night you would see that he totally made Kerry look like and ass while the panel and himself praised the hopeful Edwards.


Football addict
Originally posted by Pete
I will give you a good example of "real Democrats" Go read that stuff and then come back and tell us how much of a Conservative Democrat you are. After reading 2 or 3 threads I would change my affiliation to "Liberal Republican" to distance myself from these losers.

That site was hilarious and made me a lil sick to my stomach at first with all of their complaints. I especially liked the picture on the left side of the web page that said "VOTE ANYONE BUT BUSH":lol:


Well-Known Member
Well, *I'm* a conservative Democrat. Seriously giving thought to switching this year when I move.

I looked over that list. Most of it is a "huh?". You mean, people HATE Bush because his brother is Jeb? His father is George Sr?
*FOX NEWS*? You hate him because of a cable channel he has nothing to do with? You hate him, because he flew to *Iraq* to have Thanksgiving with the troops? (Of course, *Hillary* doing the SAME thing to go to Afghanistan, raises no eyebrows).

Ok, *maybe* I can see why people *might* resent that he can raise money BETTER than most Democrats (except Howard Dean, until recently). Last I checked, Democratic leaders do that all the time.

Dems are still ####ed that he's in the White House. They won't get over it. For the 10,000th time, the "popular" vote never elects anyone - if you don't like it, change the friggin' Constitution, because it's happened twice before. The Supreme Court only stopped people from changing election law AFTER an election occurred; for some reason, Dems get irate over the Supreme Court saying, that's it, stop counting. But are perfectly fine with an obviously biased *Florida* court which had no business intervening in the first place. Add to that, the count done by the press showing that Bush would have won even if the Supreme Court had ruled the other way.

You lost. You lost after three recounts. Even AFTER the Supreme Court overruled a grossly biased Florida court, the ballots were counted independently, and you STILL lost.

These aren't "arguments". Most of them aren't anything. This is why we don't "answer" them. They're barely worth responding to.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pete
I will give you a good example of "real Democrats" Go read that stuff and then come back and tell us how much of a Conservative Democrat you are. After reading 2 or 3 threads I would change my affiliation to "Liberal Republican" to distance myself from these losers.

I'm still amused by the "conservative idiots" thing.

I've never thought of either Schwarzenneger and certainly not Nader as "conservative'. Listen to Nader. Generally speaking, he's furious with Democrats for NOT pushing their liberal ideas.

But *Mel Gibson's* DAD? How is HE a conservative? Granted, he's American, but he moved to Australia 35 years ago. How does what an *Australian* say have any relevance to American conservative politics, especially a guy who's never held elective office?

These guys really are too weird to be taken seriously.

I'm bothered by the fact that Democrats would even think of pressuring Nader NOT to run - as if the political field only belongs to Democrats or Republicans. And after branding Nader a conservative, they pleade with him not to bleed votes away from Democrats. Yeah, THAT makes sense.


Super Genius
Originally posted by BuddyLee
This is a conservative forum for all of those that show up. This shocked me when I first got on because I St. Marys County and most of Maryland as a whole was democratic.
Actually, MD is pretty evenly split in most counties. The exceptions are Baltimore City, Prince George's, and Montgomery counties...all HEAVILY Democrat. St. Mary's leans towards the Republican side.

Look at county-by-county election result maps some time...very inetersting.


Super Genius
Cool site SamSpade. Although the typical convention is that Democrats are blue and Republicans are red. They have the colors swapped so it confused me at first glance. Then I saw the key.

Originally posted by Sparx
94. Can't drive a Segway.

i cant drive a Segway - does that mean I shoudln't run for President? do I still have a shot in local government? :rolleyes:

I think these people should make a positive website... instead of someone they are against, maybe a site promoting the positive of someone they like.... like my newest project:
