My SIL lets her 2 yr old dictate her life. If the kid wakes in the middle of the night she winds up in her parents bed. SIL claims that she just can't ignore the "mommy" call. I told her if the kid is okay then just leave her in her bed. Otherwise you will have a problem later on. But then again, anytime the kid crys, wants to be picked up, etc they drop what they are doing and give her what she wants. I wish I could be a fly on the wall later on.
I agree that cuddling or rocking your child as often as possible is great. I would rock them as often as you want. However, I would not start getting into bed with them in the middle of the night unless they were sick.
At some point in the not to near future you need to start teaching them that you will give them as much attention as you can but that sometimes you can't and they have understand that too.
I agree that cuddling or rocking your child as often as possible is great. I would rock them as often as you want. However, I would not start getting into bed with them in the middle of the night unless they were sick.
At some point in the not to near future you need to start teaching them that you will give them as much attention as you can but that sometimes you can't and they have understand that too.