Bee Sting Therapy


..if momma ain't happy...
Anyone ever tried this for arthritis? Know who in the area can administer?



Anyone ever tried this for arthritis? Know who in the area can administer?

I'll try to make this long answer as short as possible. About thirty years ago a buddy of mine was having symetrical pain in both his feet and lower legs. He went to several kinds of specialists with no real answers or relief. He had heard of such therapy but had a hard time finding information in local libraries (slightly before the www era). I suggested and drove him up to the library of congress. We found several books about bee sting therapy but the practice was new was mostly accepted by physicians in european countries. He bought some bees and would sting himself in strategic locations, sort of like accupuncture.
He got some temporary relief from the pain.

The funny part of this story is that the pain seemed to go away just about same time that he seperated from his first wife !
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Well-Known Member
My dad tried it about 7 years ago. It did not help him. But he had extreme bone on bone arthritis in the knees. So who knows, it might help. I don't think it can hurt (except for the sting) that is unless your allergic to bees.


Well, he is thinking that chopping it off at the wrist will fix the entire problem, so this may not be a bad idea either.

Chuck Norris turned me onto that. Of course Chuck has to get injections of cobra venom because he could not find a live cobra brave enough to bite him.


Would THIS face lie?
My Black Lab got into some bees a couple weeks ago...His face swelled up real bad but he doesn't have arthritis....Worked for him
I had a friend who used the treatment for MS. She said you got use to the sting and she continued the treatment with no known results, and no side effects.


Active Member
Do not try this therapies with bees or cobras or scorpions or falcons or any other poison creature. You WILL regret it. Go to a real doctor or somebody who heals in the Name of the Lord.


Didn't realize this thread was a year and a half old

I swear I never saw it. :lol: Pat used to live in Pinefield at one time, not sure if she still does, but I've met several people who swear it provided them relief. I've also met Pat a few times. She is a unique person which is perhaps why I enjoyed chatting with her the times I have had that chance.

Now... believe it or not... peppers in your diet can help with arthritic pain, particularly, Jalapeno Peppers

Chili Peppers Fight Inflammation
Capsaicin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It inhibits Substance P, which is associated with inflammatory processes, much like it relieves headaches and migraines, listed earlier. Capsaicin may also one day be a treatment for arthritis, psoriasis and diabetic neuropathy.

The Health Benefits of Jalapeno Peppers

I started putting jalapenos on my salads, forcing myself to eat them due to constant fluid on my ears and it has helped tremendously - not to mention, it aids in weight loss AND pain. I think adding some jalapenos to your diet is better than doing something drastic like allowing yourself to be stung over and over again by bees.