Beef Exploding


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Cow memories; when in high school sneaking onto Stanford property to swim in the cow ponds. So gross! 😂

Fast forward; When driving across country with my mom, we wanted to stop somewhere in Nebraska for the night. No nice hotel rooms available in the town-proper. So we found one somewhere in the out skirts, after dark. The room was a bit dank and warm so she turned on the AC. PeeU smelly. Then she decided to spray perfume into the input air. No bueno. Like really bad. The next morning we found that there was a cow pasture directly behind the motel. :doh:


Well-Known Member
Milk 110 head twice a day...raise 20-40 veal and beef calves at the same time. the humor goes away quickly. BTW..ever hear of the term "cow kicked"?
There were also bison in that field, the weren't as calm as the cows. They would escape all the time and roam the neighborhood eating peoples flowers and bushes. The cows were content to just stay in the field and didnt mind the kids throwing rocks at them occasionally. The bison they acted like they wanted you dead just because.

I do know someone who lost a testicle to a cow, almost lost the 2nd one to barbed wire.

My dad had to take care of a few dozen pigs as a kid, he had no fond memories of pigs.

In this video I like how the cows are like "dude what you doin?"

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