I'm 100% on your side Vrai. Sending money to Africa to combat AIDS was a total waste of money. AIDS is spreading like wild fire through Africa because of some truly bizarre social orders that no amount of money is going to change. For example, in several tribes the policy is that if a man dies, his family members are allowed to have sexual relations with the man's widow. So, when a man dies of AIDS, and his wife has AIDS, she gives it to every other male in the family. Some gay guys not wanting to use condoms have nothing on the issues in Africa.
As for Iraq, all I can think about are the images of miles and miles of refugees streaming out of Paris, Hamburg, Berlin, etc., during WWII as the citizens realized that fighting was coming and they beat feet rather than get killed in the fighting. Where are the refugees streaming out of insurgent strongholds in Iraq? They're nowhere to be found because they know that we're not attacking much of anything. This is a country of sand, more sand, and a few cities with buildings. There are no mountains or forests to hide in, and if you treated these cities where the terrorists are holed up at like Hamburg, the terrorists would have no place to go but out in the open. Are we using an appropriate level of destruction? Hell no, which is why we're fighting the same battles, for the same real estate, over and over again, while our enemies use the American media and peaceniks to erode support at home. Sounds like Vietnam all over again doesn't it?
As for Iraq, all I can think about are the images of miles and miles of refugees streaming out of Paris, Hamburg, Berlin, etc., during WWII as the citizens realized that fighting was coming and they beat feet rather than get killed in the fighting. Where are the refugees streaming out of insurgent strongholds in Iraq? They're nowhere to be found because they know that we're not attacking much of anything. This is a country of sand, more sand, and a few cities with buildings. There are no mountains or forests to hide in, and if you treated these cities where the terrorists are holed up at like Hamburg, the terrorists would have no place to go but out in the open. Are we using an appropriate level of destruction? Hell no, which is why we're fighting the same battles, for the same real estate, over and over again, while our enemies use the American media and peaceniks to erode support at home. Sounds like Vietnam all over again doesn't it?