Besh or Symon?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
OMG! The Next Iron Chef!!

This is the only reality show I've ever watched every single week! Probably because it's on on Sunday nights, and I never have anything better to do. Plus, they rerun the episodes so if I miss it the first time around, I can catch it later.



New Member
:yay: I think so, too.

And the other 2 are very cocky, IMO.

They don't even come close to being in the final running and did you notice that most of the time whenever they are spoken to, they have their arms folded?

Apparently, one gets very snippy according to the previews, Chris? I think that is his name.


I'm voting for Besh, even though he seems to be cocky. He seems to be the best candidate.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
They don't even come close to being in the final running and did you notice that most of the time whenever they are spoken to, they have their arms folded?

Apparently, one gets very snippy according to the previews, Chris? I think that is his name.

VERY snippy! Sheesh. Both he & the guy with do-rag on his head. :rolleyes:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Wow, dude - get over yourself! You're on a TV show - there will be a camera following you!

Did you see what Alton said to him?!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
VERY snippy! Sheesh. Both he & the guy with do-rag on his head.

Both Chris and Aaron are gone - Chris was blown out last week and Aaron got it the week before. This one that's on right now, Aaron gets gone, which surprised me because of the way Chris was melting down.


New Member
Both Chris and Aaron are gone - Chris was blown out last week and Aaron got it the week before. This one that's on right now, Aaron gets gone, which surprised me because of the way Chris was melting down.

I missed his melt down when it was aired but saw the ending. The commercial made it seem more dramatic than it really was. To me, that was nothing! :lmao: