Best advice you have gotten


God bless the USA
My father: Get a job, and don't use credit cards; pay cash. If you have to use a credit card, you can't afford it. This was before the internet, mind you, but still good advice.

My mother: Be a cork in the water...when you hit a ripple or a wave, float over it, and continue on.

Mommy was a little more poetic than Daddy. :lol:
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black dog

Free America
A nerd friend of mine once put it this way (sort of).

Lemme 'splain first. In math and engineering, you don't always care about "precise". You care about "close enough".
As in, you don't need pi to infinite places - ten is probably all you'll ever need.

So sometimes in equations, you can neglect part of it if it's really small.
Like x + y is pretty close to just x if it's a LOT bigger than y. For instance, 10,000,000 + 1 is pretty much 10,000,000 for all practical purpose.
We show this by saying:

x >> y -- x is a LOT bigger than y.

My nerd friend said :

1 >> 0.
Basic law of human inertia.
You can get something done, but getting started can be harder than just doing it.
It may be a small thing - 1 is only 1 more than zero - but it might as well be infinity to some lazy ass.

One of my Great uncle's used to say,
The hardest part of painting the wall, is opening the can of paint.


Well-Known Member
"Stop squeezing that tarter sauce packet, it is going to bust and go in your eyes."

Dad was right, wish I had listened that #### burnt like a bitch.


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PREMO Member
Mom used to tell me not to be afraid of failure - because we learn from mistakes, not successes.


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If I may ...

"Trust no one."

Sounds like what the villain always tells the protagonist at the beginning of the film. So how did this person screw you over?

As for advice, my old man used to say "never buy a car built on a Monday". But not specifically about cars, just a general do diligence/buyer beware comment.