Best and worst duty stations


Well-Known Member
Gaeta Italy back in the 60's when America was loved and respected. Don't know about now.

Pictured here, 6th Fleet Flag Ship, USS Little Rock circa 1969

An interesting BTW is that current Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus was stationed on the USS Little Rock when this pic was taken in Gaeta and served for my Dad as a JG.


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PREMO Member
Spent the balance of career (~17 years) at Andrews.
Once you get to Andrews you never leave!

USAF, MSgt 22yrs & 3 bases.

(87-92) Loring AFB, ME- KC-135A & R crew chief
(92-94) NAS Keflavik, Iceland- KC135A, E, R crew chief
(94-09) Andrews AFB- VC-137, C-32 and Air Force One Flying Crew Chief

I can't say any of my tours sucked. They each their good and bad times. I would do again in a minute! :patriot:


I was USN, AT. I did 4 years. I liked VP-30, but hated everything else about Jax,Fl except it was close to Orlando. Then I was at VAQ-209. That was "OK" but great sea duty for reg Nav, since it was a TAR command. Andrews was ok, but liked the Navy brought me back to MD


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
16th Engineer Battalion - Combat Engineer
Erlangen, Germany (Jan 1993 - Dec 1993)
Bamberg, Germany (Dec 1993 - Jan 1995)
Deployed to Khobar Towers, Saudi Arabia (July 1993 - Dec 1993) (Best)

19th Replacement Company - R&U
Ft. Bragg, NC (Jan 1995 - Feb 1996)

82nd Engineer Battalion - Combat Engineer/Heavy Equipment Operator
Bamberg. Germany (Feb 1996 - May 1998)
Deployed to Bosnia (March 1997 - Nov 1997) (Worst)


Active Member
20 years Navy Cryptologist.

P'cola for school
Cincpacflt Hawaii
NSGA Homestead
USCincpac Hawaii
White House Communications Agency (10 years)

I wasn't fond of Homestead. Too much petty BS - it was more of a command thing than a dislike of the area - though the whole Miami area was an armpit during the Cuban Boatlift (yay Jimmy Carter). Both of my Hawaii tours were a blast - great duty, great lifelong friends. White House was hard work, long hours, but very rewarding and I had the opportunity to see history being made many times and it allowed my family to be stable, though I spent a great deal of time TDY. I don't think I could pick a favorite.


Air Force 20 years. Electronic communications/networking.

Worst duty station was Kwang Ju Korea.
Best duty station was Eglin AFB, FL.

Most rewarding was working in Office of Special Investigations (OSI) at Andrews.


Well-Known Member
Once you get to Andrews you never leave!

(94-09) Andrews AFB- VC-137, C-32 and Air Force One Flying Crew Chief

I'm guessing we probably have crossed path a few times. Although I retired in 2002, I'm still working here. I was here 83-94 (active duty - 89th FMS/EMS/MXS), 96-98 (as a contractor), 98-02 (back on active duty - 89th AGS/LSS), 2002-present (retired/contractor).


Once you get to Andrews you never leave!

USAF, MSgt 22yrs & 3 bases.

(87-92) Loring AFB, ME- KC-135A & R crew chief
(92-94) NAS Keflavik, Iceland- KC135A, E, R crew chief
(94-09) Andrews AFB- VC-137, C-32 and Air Force One Flying Crew Chief

I can't say any of my tours sucked. They each their good and bad times. I would do again in a minute! :patriot:

Do you know any of the CSOs on AF1?


Active Member
Navy wife- 25 years Cryptologist. Before we got married my husband was on lots of ships and 'THE MIGHTY EP_3 ORION". Imperial Beach, Naples ,Rota .After wedding-, San Antonio, Guam, Whidbey Island, Winter Harbor, Ottawa Canada, Naval Research Lab. Now working in the Pentagon. The worst for me was Guam- he was always flying missions and I was home alone with an 18 month old . Dead boonie dogs and cats left at the side of the road to bloat and rot. Did not appreciate the islands beauty until nearly the end of tour. All the other tours were great. We actually miss moving and get itchy feet every three years.


Ex Navy ET - I most enjoyed Mayport, FL and NAS Meridian, MS...hated Norfolk and Great Lakes


Man, I'm still here !!!
3 year AT on S3A's 1976-1979
Great Lake in WINTER, WTF was i thinking, SUCKED!!!
Memphis AT A School - Loved it
San Diego S3 FRAMP - LOVED it
Cecil Field, Fl, Cecil Sucked by Jacks was Fun... Stayed on IKE in Norfolk (Sucked) during workups, First CVN Ike Cruise to Med was Cool. the things i did!!!!
Finished my 2 years Active reserve here at PAX VP-68 while working F-18 FSD program, been here since!
What S-3 sqd in 76-79?

3 year AT on S3A's 1976-1979
Great Lake in WINTER, WTF was i thinking, SUCKED!!!
Memphis AT A School - Loved it
San Diego S3 FRAMP - LOVED it
Cecil Field, Fl, Cecil Sucked by Jacks was Fun... Stayed on IKE in Norfolk (Sucked) during workups, First CVN Ike Cruise to Med was Cool. the things i did!!!!
Finished my 2 years Active reserve here at PAX VP-68 while working F-18 FSD program, been here since!

Had VS-38 on the Enterprise in '78. Did some flying with them as a passenger into and out of Guam and P.I.


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PREMO Member
Do you know any of the CSOs on AF1?

Yup, I knew a lot of CSO's and flew with them.

Rommey- I'm sure we crossed paths. I also worked 89th AGS A Flight assigned to 697Gore (4) from 94-99 before moving to AF1.
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