Best athlete that you have ever seen?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Doesn't matter the sport but someone that you have seen competing that you considered the best.

Mine would have to be Barry Sanders. He ran with speed and grace. He hardly ever got hit square. Too bad he was all his teams had many years.

On the plus side he walked away from the game on his own terms. He didn't hang around too long and tarnish his career.

Others on my short list would be Mike Jordan, a young Mike Tyson and Wayne Gretzky.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
You mean in person?

I played beer league softball with a kid named Donny Hampden and this guy walked like a cat, looked like a world class athlete and did everything effortlessly. Played short and just shut down that side of the field, turned every single into a double, could dunk a basketball without thinking about it, balance, strength, stamina. Dude was a total stud, absolutely my definition of an athlete, the guy who could show up at the Olympics and at least compete in anything.


New Member
As far as pro athletes I would say Bo Jackson, Bob Gibson, Dave Winfield. When I coached high school soccer there were some really good three sport athletes. That is fading some what in high school sports.


I would have to pick Walter Peyton and Lawrence Taylor from the NFL, Peyton was likely the hardest-hitting running back ever and LT redefined the defensive linebacker position.


Well-Known Member
Barry Obama...he can dodge questions, duck allegations, lie out of both sides of his mouth, steal second amendment, a third of wealthy incomes, jump to conclusions and fool 1/2 of the population like a wide receiver.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Barry Obama...he can dodge questions, duck allegations, lie out of both sides of his mouth, steal second amendment, a third of wealthy incomes, jump to conclusions and fool 1/2 of the population like a wide receiver.

No argument here. Mr. Soetero sure is slick.


Go Rams!
My favorite: Jeff Wilkins. One of the best Rams kickers in team history, held many kicking records with the team. Nicknamed 'Money' for being almost automatic with field goals and PATs. And for those who played Madden 08 and earlier, he is a nice looking guy. Sure, he had his off days, but who doesn't? Shame he retired in '08 due to back injuries. He literally kicked butt in some of his games, such as week 1 in 2006 vs. Denver. Six field goals made, would have been a record seven had it not been for a flag on another player.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter the sport but someone that you have seen competing that you considered the best.

Not because they were "Deadskins," but Theisman and Riggins are two of the best I have ever seen. Theisman had a cannon for an arm and Riggins could carry half the defensive line downfield. JMO


New Member
Best offensive player... Barry Saunders

Best Defensive Player ... SEAN TAYLOR!! Never seen anyone hit as hard as him, ever! Yea even harder than Ronnie Lott... he was fearless!


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Best Defensive Player ... SEAN TAYLOR!! Never seen anyone hit as hard as him, ever! Yea even harder than Ronnie Lott... he was fearless!

He sure lit up a lot of players. So sad how it ended for him. Given his recklessness I doubt he would have had a long career. But he sure was fun to watch. There are some tribute videos floating around with all this big hits.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Best offensive player... Barry Saunders

Best Defensive Player ... SEAN TAYLOR!! Never seen anyone hit as hard as him, ever! Yea even harder than Ronnie Lott... he was fearless!

Crap. Sean Taylor only hit guys smaller than him or that he had the angle on or punters. Find a clip of him slamming in to stop the run like Ronnie Lott. Again and again.

Taylor was a really good football player and great athlete but, let us not get carried away.