Best athlete that you have ever seen?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Crap. Sean Taylor only hit guys smaller than him or that he had the angle on or punters. Find a clip of him slamming in to stop the run like Ronnie Lott. Again and again.

Taylor was a really good football player and great athlete but, let us not get carried away.

Not a lot of huge hits, but some nice stops just the same


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not a lot of huge hits, but some nice stops just the same


Sean was a great player, no doubt and fits the theme of the thread as a great athlete. Just not willing to accept comparisons to Lott in terms of hitting. Lott would throw himself in front of a truck if it meant winning. And he paid for it, time and again. Taylor has a lot of cheap shots, out of bounds hits and simply not the same warrior mentality Lott had. If we're talking better athlete, Lott loses that comparison, not even close.


Barry Obama...he can dodge questions, duck allegations, lie out of both sides of his mouth, steal second amendment, a third of wealthy incomes, jump to conclusions and fool 1/2 of the population like a wide receiver.

love that!