Hotel Charles in Hughesville
Gilligans in Popes Creek

Ape Hangers in Bel Alton
(mostly middle aged bikers)
Casey Jones in La Plata
Blue Dog in Welcome
Memories in Waldorf ( MEMORIES Nightclub & Bar of Waldorf, MD )
Bands, pool league, dart league, karaoke, dj, cold beer, outside smoking lounge, food
and expensive prices
Scotts II Bar
Sails *New bar with a tiki bar, dinner menu, karaoke, bands, dj, dancing. They will rock during summer. But other than that so so unless a big band.

The getaway lounge

Babes Boys
Hard Times ( seems to be a big hang out )
double eagle
Gold Mine
If you are in to GHETTO there is that ghetto club near subway.. I cant remember what it is called
That's about all I got.