Best Buy? Maybe not!


New Member
I think Best Buy is the first place I've heard of that won't do anything (not an even exchange or store credit) for a return with no receipt.

My sister received a CD for her birthday, but instead of the vocal one she wanted, they accidently bought her the piano version. The CD was still wrapped in the celephane, with the "Best Buy" sticker located on the front. The person who purchased the CD for her did not keep the receipt (they thought they bought what she asked for, therefore wouldn't be returning it). Best Buy would NOT let her exchange it for the correct CD. They said it was "store policy" because "somebody may have stolen the CD". She even spoke with the manager, he was no help either.

What kind of sense does that make? Not letting her exchange the CD would not get their money back if it had indeed been stolen. I think they need to tighten up their security on these thiefs rather than punish their honest customers for other's crimes. Are they sending the message that it is easier to steal, than to make an exchange? If I wasn't an honest person, I'd steal the correct CD for her!

My sister was only cheated out of maybe $13, but beware if you are looking to make a more expensive purchase there!

I looked online, and Circuit City's policy is you must have a receipt, or they need to have something in their computer showing the item was purchased there.
SoMDMama82 said:
I think Best Buy is the first place I've heard of that won't do anything (not an even exchange or store credit) for a return with no receipt.

My sister received a CD for her birthday, but instead of the vocal one she wanted, they accidently bought her the piano version. The CD was still wrapped in the celephane, with the "Best Buy" sticker located on the front. The person who purchased the CD for her did not keep the receipt (they thought they bought what she asked for, therefore wouldn't be returning it). Best Buy would NOT let her exchange it for the correct CD. They said it was "store policy" because "somebody may have stolen the CD". She even spoke with the manager, he was no help either.

What kind of sense does that make? Not letting her exchange the CD would not get their money back if it had indeed been stolen. I think they need to tighten up their security on these thiefs rather than punish their honest customers for other's crimes. Are they sending the message that it is easier to steal, than to make an exchange? If I wasn't an honest person, I'd steal the correct CD for her!

My sister was only cheated out of maybe $13, but beware if you are looking to make a more expensive purchase there!

I looked online, and Circuit City's policy is you must have a receipt, or they need to have something in their computer showing the item was purchased there.
The lesson here is to keep receipts and your sister wasn't "cheated", she just wasn't aware of the policy.


New Member
The person that bought the CD can ask for a receipt pull, but only if they remember the exact day they purchased the CD, and purchased it with a credit card. I have done this plenty of times at Walmart.


Set Trippin
SoMDMama82 said:
I think Best Buy is the first place I've heard of that won't do anything (not an even exchange or store credit) for a return with no receipt.

My sister received a CD for her birthday, but instead of the vocal one she wanted, they accidently bought her the piano version. The CD was still wrapped in the celephane, with the "Best Buy" sticker located on the front. The person who purchased the CD for her did not keep the receipt (they thought they bought what she asked for, therefore wouldn't be returning it). Best Buy would NOT let her exchange it for the correct CD. They said it was "store policy" because "somebody may have stolen the CD". She even spoke with the manager, he was no help either.

What kind of sense does that make? Not letting her exchange the CD would not get their money back if it had indeed been stolen. I think they need to tighten up their security on these thiefs rather than punish their honest customers for other's crimes. Are they sending the message that it is easier to steal, than to make an exchange? If I wasn't an honest person, I'd steal the correct CD for her!

My sister was only cheated out of maybe $13, but beware if you are looking to make a more expensive purchase there!

I looked online, and Circuit City's policy is you must have a receipt, or they need to have something in their computer showing the item was purchased there.
Adding my 2 pennies... I have returned several things to best buy.. with no receipt..

One item was a sport band for an IPOD (29.99) I did not have the package nor did I have the receipt. The girl behind the counter was very friendly and helpful and credited the money back to my card no questions asked...

mainman said:
Adding my 2 pennies... I have returned several things to best buy.. with no receipt..

One item was a sport band for an IPOD (29.99) I did not have the package nor did I have the receipt. The girl behind the counter was very friendly and helpful and credited the money back to my card no questions asked...

Dats cuz you got it goin' on wit da ladies...:cool:


Set Trippin
kwillia said:
Dats cuz you got it goin' on wit da ladies...:cool:
I can't tell... I asked you to finish posting horrorscopes 10 minutes ago and you continue to ignore me...:shrug: Seems to be alot of that going around lately...
mainman said:
I can't tell... I asked you to finish posting horrorscopes 10 minutes ago and you continue to ignore me...:shrug: Seems to be alot of that going around lately...
I didn't see that post... let me go look. :poorbaby:


New Member
After my Baby Shower, I had PLENTY of duplicate gifts without receipts that I needed to return. I didn't even know where some of them came from, but I had NO problems what-so-ever taking any of it back. Wal-Mart, Target, and Toys-R-Us were great. If they just CARRIED the item, they would take it back. Of course, with no receipt, I wasn't expecting cash back, but a store credit was good enough for me! They just needed my ID (I guess to make sure I didn't do this often). The only problem I did have was a swing that only worked for 2 weeks, by the time I had my baby, and she used it for 2 weeks, the person who bought it had already thrown away the receipt, Babies-R-Us no longer carried the swing, so I had to go through the manufacturer.


New Member
She didn't buy the CD, it was a gift to her, she never had the receipt.

I've returned plenty of gifts, to many different store, without any kind of receipt with no problem. Of course I wasn't expecting a cash refund or anything, but an even exchange or store credit work fine!


Well-Known Member
SoMDMama82 said:
I think Best Buy is the first place I've heard of that won't do anything (not an even exchange or store credit) for a return with no receipt.

My sister received a CD for her birthday, but instead of the vocal one she wanted, they accidently bought her the piano version. The CD was still wrapped in the celephane, with the "Best Buy" sticker located on the front. The person who purchased the CD for her did not keep the receipt (they thought they bought what she asked for, therefore wouldn't be returning it). Best Buy would NOT let her exchange it for the correct CD. They said it was "store policy" because "somebody may have stolen the CD". She even spoke with the manager, he was no help either.

What kind of sense does that make? Not letting her exchange the CD would not get their money back if it had indeed been stolen. I think they need to tighten up their security on these thiefs rather than punish their honest customers for other's crimes. Are they sending the message that it is easier to steal, than to make an exchange? If I wasn't an honest person, I'd steal the correct CD for her!

My sister was only cheated out of maybe $13, but beware if you are looking to make a more expensive purchase there!

I looked online, and Circuit City's policy is you must have a receipt, or they need to have something in their computer showing the item was purchased there.
From what i understand, because of copyright laws, CDs and other media can only be exchanged for an exact replacement anyway. Thats a pretty universal thing.


Thats how them b*tch's R
Isn't that the case if the cd, game etc. is opened? My hubby wanted this computer game soooo bad. I saw it in Target, bought it and came home. He opened it all excited. Tried installing it, nothing. After looking very closely, this game was a DVD, not CD Rom, lol. He never paid attention to the fact that the game is only manufactured in DVD version before he said he wanted it. Of course, it's open, nothing we could do. The damn thing was almost $50. So then we spent a few hundred on a new computer with DVD so he could play his precious game, lol. Needless to say, now I double check everything like that before I buy.


I remember one time I tried to return a cord to Best Buys. I had bought it for five bucks the day before. It was one of those break-away cords for the X-Box, the part that goes from the PS/2-looking plug into the console... Anyway I had lost my original one, but when I got home from BestBuy, I found it, and the next day I tried to return the replacement I had bought.

I had left my receipt at home though - and while I was at the service desk, these four really big guys wearing black suits and sunglasses approached me and asked me to step "out back for a moment". When I refused, they grabbed me by the arms, and one guy accidentally/on purpose jammed his thumb into my eye, and they dragged me out back, where they proceded to beat and kick the ever-loving piss out of me. They knocked out 1 molar and 1 bicuspid. Broke my glasses, sending shards of glass into my eye-jelly and broke three ribs. I don't know how long they pounded on my after I lost consciousness, and I think they may have violated me... sexually.

I tell you, the next time I buy something there, I'm definitely keeping the receipt.
Toxick said:
I remember one time I tried to return a cord to Best Buys. I had bought it for five bucks the day before. It was one of those break-away cords for the X-Box, the part that goes from the PS/2-looking plug into the console... Anyway I had lost my original one, but when I got home from BestBuy, I found it, and the next day I tried to return the replacement I had bought.

I had left my receipt at home though - and while I was at the service desk, these four really big guys wearing black suits and sunglasses approached me and asked me to step "out back for a moment". When I refused, they grabbed me by the arms, and one guy accidentally/on purpose jammed his thumb into my eye, and they dragged me out back, where they proceded to beat and kick the ever-loving piss out of me. They knocked out 1 molar and 1 bicuspid. Broke my glasses, sending shards of glass into my eye-jelly and broke three ribs. I don't know how long they pounded on my after I lost consciousness, and I think they may have violated me... sexually.

I tell you, the next time I buy something there, I'm definitely keeping the receipt.
You were beat up by the Geek Squad! :lmao:


desertrat said:
You were beat up by the Geek Squad! :lmao:

Go ahead and laugh... but those guys were tough.

They may have looked like a bunch of little #####es, but they were wiry.

Very very wiry.


I bowl overhand
getbent said:
Isn't that the case if the cd, game etc. is opened? My hubby wanted this computer game soooo bad. I saw it in Target, bought it and came home. He opened it all excited. Tried installing it, nothing. After looking very closely, this game was a DVD, not CD Rom, lol. He never paid attention to the fact that the game is only manufactured in DVD version before he said he wanted it. Of course, it's open, nothing we could do. The damn thing was almost $50. So then we spent a few hundred on a new computer with DVD so he could play his precious game, lol. Needless to say, now I double check everything like that before I buy.
WHy didn't you spend the $30 for a CD/DVD and install it.. he got over on you, scored a new computer out of the deal!!


I bowl overhand
SoMDMama82 said:
I think Best Buy is the first place I've heard of that won't do anything (not an even exchange or store credit) for a return with no receipt.

My sister received a CD for her birthday, but instead of the vocal one she wanted, they accidently bought her the piano version. The CD was still wrapped in the celephane, with the "Best Buy" sticker located on the front. The person who purchased the CD for her did not keep the receipt (they thought they bought what she asked for, therefore wouldn't be returning it). Best Buy would NOT let her exchange it for the correct CD. They said it was "store policy" because "somebody may have stolen the CD". She even spoke with the manager, he was no help either.

What kind of sense does that make? Not letting her exchange the CD would not get their money back if it had indeed been stolen. I think they need to tighten up their security on these thiefs rather than punish their honest customers for other's crimes. Are they sending the message that it is easier to steal, than to make an exchange? If I wasn't an honest person, I'd steal the correct CD for her!

My sister was only cheated out of maybe $13, but beware if you are looking to make a more expensive purchase there!

I looked online, and Circuit City's policy is you must have a receipt, or they need to have something in their computer showing the item was purchased there.
How would they know without a receipt, that she just didn't pick that up off of the shelf in the store, then walked over to the refund counter for an exchange?

Sounds fair and obvious to me.


New Member
So what, did she steal the Best Buy bag also? The first time she went in, she didn't even have the CD with her, she left it in the car. She went back in to speak with the manager and brought it in.

In that case, you could just get yourself a bag, walk in to Best Buy, pick up a CD, take it over to customer service and pretend like your trying to return it, then walk out the door with it? Doesn't make much sense...