Best Hand Held Game for to be 7 Year Old


Salt Life
Its not a matter of how responsible she is individually as there are 3 other kids in the house and they don't live with us so we have no control of how it is cared for.

You could tell the kid that the DS is only for when he/she is at daddy's house. That's not saying it will be safe at all times, but at least you would have some supervision over it.


Cleopatra Jones
You could tell the kid that the DS is only for when he/she is at daddy's house. That's not saying it will be safe at all times, but at least you would have some supervision over it.

The older two have theirs at their house so it wouldn't be very nice. I'm sure we'll get her one, just not a super expensive one and we'll get that nerf cover thing.

Now, when/if Thing 1 gets a DS it's not going all over God's creation. I made that mistake with the PSP. I'm mad about that being lost and we didn't even pay for it. Although, we did buy all the games for it except a couple that are now useless.


Sleep Deprived
I agree with getting the DS. J got one for her 6th birthday and it goes everywhere with her. It's taken a beating too. And still works fine. She has a leapster too. She barely plays with it anymore.


Happy Camper!
At 7 either would be a good choice but I think the DS would be a better long term investment. The 3y/o has a leapster and all the games have an educational theme to them which is good but I haven't really see any games that would appeal to my 11 y/o - he plays along with his little brother to be helpful but I don't think it's actually enjoyable for him. The 11 y/o has a DS and loves it on car trips but doesn't really play it any other time. The game selections are pretty much limitless.

Sweet 16

How about a *book* instead? My 7 YO niece has a DS and she carries it everywhere. Hardly ever talks to anyone at family functions because she is too busy tapping the screen. Sad really.....