Best music video from the 80s

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Now it doesn't matter how you sing, they can fix that. You gotta look good - for the camera.

Oh, oh!!! And don't even get me started on Pro Tools!!!! I've been in a studio and WATCHED them fix pitch on some CRAP and I've also been in a studio with a REAL pro who, doing a backing track FLATTENED his pitch, ON COMMAND, to match the lead singing of another person was simply flat instead of letting the engineer bring up the ####ty voice digitally.

We undervaluing NOTHING as bad as we do music. NOTHING. We ARE complicit in musical genocide.


Go support live music!!! Local, unknown, starting to be known. !!!!


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
One of the few that I remember from that long ago, still like most things from Dire Straits.



Well-Known Member
No, there wasn't. There was great music that had video added to it for the heck of it but video takes other wise crap music and adds the visual so that when you hear said crap the Pavolvian stimuli is activated which, as everyone knows, completely disengages the ears so that what you are ACTUALLY hearing is the visual imprint replayed from the part of your brain that has been taken over and sabotaged. Not that there should need to be because it is sooooo obvious but it can't be proven BECAUSE you can't UN-hear it, can't DIS-connect the neurological fracturing done via the imagery or, otherwise, we could take some 'good' song, as per MTV standards, and play it back, preferably live, and you'd go screaming from the room; SUCK!!!!

And, that's another thing; Video is SOLELY responsible for lip syncing. That's right. The demands of video exploded once it was discovered that you could get people to listen to ANYTHING if you mind raped them first with visual over stimulation and so, the demands for the video performance exploded and, seeings how watching people PLAY an actual instrument isn't really as impressive looking as it should be, the decision was made to start adding STUPID #### that looks really impressive; synchronized cheer leading whereby band members who used to spend the entire existence at their craft suddenly were surrounded by cheerleaders who, by extension, made them look great so that stunningly ugly guitar players whose ONLY redeeming characteristic was that they could PLAY were now made to look sexy, kewl, and as though they, too, had moves. Satan, as usual, laughed and spread his wings. Even drummers, long hidden behind symbol and mic stands become stars. Quasimodo was simply born at the wrong time as he, too, could have become a sex symbol simply by surrounding him with a bunch of hot babes doing some sort of pseudo synchronized whatever the #### that sorta referenced the stumbling and spasmatic movements of the now decaying skill musicians. Point being you can't sing AND do the barnyard chicken dance at the same time; eject singing. Unless your name is Pink.

Thus, there was no night the music died, no single day old Dixie was torn down. Oh, no. This was boiling frog business here and it was done low and slow but it WAS DONE as greedy execs knew they could get cheerleaders anywhere AND no longer would be at the mercy of extremely talented musicians who held the reigns of power by virtue of their virtuosity. Now, they could take ANY four dumb ####s off the street *cough* Poison, and SELL some product, just add ass. Synchronized ass.

And thus the darkness covered the earth and the children cried.

That is horse ####, The Monkees and the Sex Pistols are proof of that. Sid Vicious had absolutely no skills when he took over bass duties.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
All of the Michael Jackson videos. I was single in the 80's and threw a party for the Bad video premiere. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is horse ####, The Monkees and the Sex Pistols are proof of that. Sid Vicious had absolutely no skills when he took over bass duties.

Sex Pistols wrote some great tunes. Sid was not part of the writing and the Monkees could all play and perform. So there.


Well-Known Member
Well, seeing that the 80's were the start of MTV, back when they actually played a LOT of videos every hour, one of my favorites was "Rio" by Duran Duran. A fellow co-worker of mine was part of a band and they tried to get a video together, but even then the technical requirements and specifications required by MTV was over and beyond what they could muster.

MTN used to really rock - The last 20 years really suck.


Well-Known Member
Robert Palmer- Addicted to Love

Van Halen-Hot for Teacher

Peter Gabriel- Big Time, Sledgehammer
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Pink Floyd's "Another brick in the wall" was released in 1979, but played hard and often in the 80s so I'm voting for it because not only was it an excellent, memorable video it also blows Larry's theory out of the water...:larry:


Well-Known Member
With few exceptions, I'm still not sorry I spent the entire decade of the '80s drunk.


my war
Well, seeing that the 80's were the start of MTV, back when they actually played a LOT of videos every hour, one of my favorites was "Rio" by Duran Duran. A fellow co-worker of mine was part of a band and they tried to get a video together, but even then the technical requirements and specifications required by MTV was over and beyond what they could muster.

MTN used to really rock - The last 20 years really suck.

Funny! This whole time I thought you were a dude... :lmao: