Best news I've heard in a while!


New Member
What do ya'll do with that yellow mush in the middle? And what about those little legs that have almost no meat?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
duzzey1a said:
What do ya'll do with that yellow mush in the middle? And what about those little legs that have almost no meat?

I flick the mustard at whomever is sitting across from me.


New Member
duzzey1a said:
What do ya'll do with that yellow mush in the middle? And what about those little legs that have almost no meat?

Those legs are the funnest to pick if you have patience. Not much meat but it's the sweetest!

I'm just glad that something's surviving in the Chesapeake....heard stripers are suffering.

I prefer Gray Poupon ;)


duzzey1a said:
What do ya'll do with that yellow mush in the middle? And what about those little legs that have almost no meat?
Scoop it out with my finger, put a little seasoning on it and down the hatch!


Softballkid said:
Your first crabbing expierence has to be trot line'n, its the only way to go :yay:

Mine can't go that slow for a trot line so I just throw a bunch of fishing pole lines out with a chicken neck through a hook with a weight just like I was bottom fishing... about 20 seconds later, I see the line "walking" and I reel it in and net the crab, recast about 10 feet from the boat, move to the next pole with a walking line. :lol: Works for me :dance:


New Member
duzzey1a said:
What do ya'll do with that yellow mush in the middle? And what about those little legs that have almost no meat?

Definately take the time to pick the legs!!! The yellow mush always gets scooped out onto the newspaper/table. It's not edible to me lol.


Go Braves!
Shannie0308 said:
Definately take the time to pick the legs!!! The yellow mush always gets scooped out onto the newspaper/table. It's not edible to me lol.
I thought I was the only one who picked the legs:yum: My husband always looks at me like I'm some kind of wierdo until I break open one with a big ole chunk in it:drool:


Shannie0308 said:
Definately take the time to pick the legs!!! The yellow mush always gets scooped out onto the newspaper/table. It's not edible to me lol.

Some folks just waste the legs because they can't be bothered with them and are too lazy I guess :shrug: Never understood why. Also, I think its a big waste personally. It'll take that person twice as many crabs to get full than someone that eats the legs with the rest of the crab like a normal person does. Basically, if you eat 6 crabs and are too lazy to pick the legs, you end up wasting 36 legs that have meat in them :shrug: The legs ARE part of the crab. :shrug: If I have kids I'll tell them to eat it all or dont' eat any of it - no sense in them eating 10 crabs each and tossing 60 crab legs away each (120 legs now mind you) meanwhile you've only eaten 2 because you are choosing not to waste the crab. Besides crabs cost WAY too much now adays for throwing hafl of it away :shrug: JMO :biggrin:
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dems4me said:
Some folks just waste the legs because they can't be bothered with them and are too lazy I guess :shrug: Never understood why. Also, I think its a big waste personally. It'll take that person twice as many crabs to get full than someone that eats the legs with the rest of the crab like a normal person does. Basically, if you eat 6 crabs and are too lazy to pick the legs, you end up wasting 36 legs that have meat in them :shrug: The legs ARE part of the crab. :shrug: If I have kids I'll tell them to eat it all or dont' eat any of it - no sense in them eating 10 crabs each and tossing 60 crab legs away each (120 legs now mind you) meanwhile you've only eaten 2 because you are choosing not to waste the crab. Besides crabs cost WAY too much now adays for throwing hafl of it away :shrug: JMO :biggrin:
QUICK .....If Jenny eats 14 crabs and Jonny eats 7 crabs how many legs did they waste if they were too lazy to pick the leg meat out?


Pete said:
QUICK .....If Jenny eats 14 crabs and Jonny eats 7 crabs how many legs did they waste if they were too lazy to pick the leg meat out?

126 (or about the equivalent of a dozen crabs at 50.00 a shot) but whose counting?? :lol: :roflmao: Or more importantly who'se paying for this waste? :roflmao:


New Member
dems4me said:
Some folks just waste the legs because they can't be bothered with them and are too lazy I guess :shrug: Never understood why. Also, I think its a big waste personally. It'll take that person twice as many crabs to get full than someone that eats the legs with the rest of the crab like a normal person does. Basically, if you eat 6 crabs and are too lazy to pick the legs, you end up wasting 36 legs that have meat in them :shrug: The legs ARE part of the crab. :shrug: If I have kids I'll tell them to eat it all or dont' eat any of it - no sense in them eating 10 crabs each and tossing 60 crab legs away each (120 legs now mind you) meanwhile you've only eaten 2 because you are choosing not to waste the crab. Besides crabs cost WAY too much now adays for throwing hafl of it away :shrug: JMO :biggrin:

mmkay...I'm confused. Do you divide the number of legs by the number of crabs..or do you cross multiply the big legs by the small legs and subtract mustard??


duzzey1a said:
mmkay...I'm confused. Do you divide the number of legs by the number of crabs..or do you cross multiply the big legs by the small legs and subtract mustard??

I'm counting everything but the big claws, I think that leaves two or three per side and a paddle on each side or something. :lol: