Best place to get car Detailed in Southern Maryland?


Well-Known Member
General Lee said:
I'm not going to call myself a professional detailer as I don't know what constitutes someone having the right to be called a professional detailer. Just because someone washes and waxes cars for a living doesn't make them a professional. However I have quite a bit of experience in paint polishing and correction. I don't detail for the general public any longer, mainly just special requests.

I'm just trying to shed some light on the subject so people have somewhat of an idea what to look for in a detailer. A good detailer, will pay attention to the *details*.

A couple weeks ago I was looking for someone really hard core who knew how to do color sanding, knew how to use wool bonnets, etc.

General Lee

Well-Known Member
CrashTest said:
A couple weeks ago I was looking for someone really hard core who knew how to do color sanding, knew how to use wool bonnets, etc.

Did you find anyone? I could give you some advice on how to proceed if you'd like. Its not to hard, and you could do some practice runs on a beater car or get a hood from a junk yard to practice on.

The key is not to get to aggressive, and you may not need to use a wool pad. Wool pads are very aggressive and are used for serious paint correction. I don't know the condition of your vehicle so I can't honestly say if one would be needed.
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New Member
The guy I work with suggests going to, there is plenty of auto detailing info there.