Bethesda woman sues to stop deer hunting using crossbows


Lawful neutral

A Bethesda woman is suing Montgomery Parks with help from the well-known animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to stop the department’s first-ever managed deer hunt using crossbows.

Eilene Cohhn filed a lawsuit in Montgomery County Circuit Court late Thursday, claiming Montgomery Parks’ planned archery deer hunts set to start Friday morning in parts of two county parks violate Maryland’s animal cruelty statute.

Jeffrey Kerr, an attorney for PETA, said a judge on Thursday refused to issue a temporary restraining order against Montgomery Parks to delay the hunt until the lawsuit is heard.


Well-Known Member
This woman is off her rocker.

The lawsuit literally says "high powered crossbow" multiple times, yet claims they aren't good enough to kill a deer "instantly" (they won't, and neither do guns, unless you're aiming for the head, which is not taught during hunter education). Then claims using a gun is more humane. :bigwhoop:
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Just another PETA pain in the ass. You hit a deer in the neck or heart, it'll drop same as a bullet.....or keep on going.


Well-Known Member
What standing does this woman have to file a lawsuit? In what way is/has she being harmed?


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A deer showed up at my relative's house and had an arrow through it's neck. A week or so later the same deer came back and the arrow was gone. You could clearly see where the arrow had been. The lady who started the lawsuit has probably seen deer with arrows in their bodies, and is unhappy about that? What about the deer with bullets in them that didn't die?


Well-Known Member
A deer showed up at my relative's house and had an arrow through it's neck. A week or so later the same deer came back and the arrow was gone. You could clearly see where the arrow had been. The lady who started the lawsuit has probably seen deer with arrows in their bodies, and is unhappy about that? What about the deer with bullets in them that didn't die?

The same can be said about car injuries.

The deer population up there is crazy and many are hit by cars ("driving" up insurance costs...ha!) and many deer may get hit and run/limp away.

Friend of mine shot a deer last year that had been shot by an arrow and hit by a car. It had screwed up antlers and a bad limp. Point is, you can't always protect them, and it's up to every hunter (gun or bow) to make a clean shot and a clean kill.


Too many deer around here. They need to be hunted or you'll end up with one in the grill of your car/truck.


Adopt me please !
Too many deer around here. They need to be hunted or you'll end up with one in the grill of your car/truck.

I agree there are TOO MANY deer. I've hit 2 in my life while driving. I was a passenger once when a deer leaped totally over the hood of the car! I was shocked and thankful at the same time lol.


Well-Known Member
A deer showed up at my relative's house and had an arrow through it's neck. A week or so later the same deer came back and the arrow was gone. You could clearly see where the arrow had been. The lady who started the lawsuit has probably seen deer with arrows in their bodies, and is unhappy about that? What about the deer with bullets in them that didn't die?

Use to have a deer hang around my old house that has a leg that was broken off just below the knee, it was gangrenous and you could smell the thing any time it was close. Pretty sure it happened from an F-150 running over it right out front.


Adopt me please !
Use to have a deer hang around my old house that has a leg that was broken off just below the knee, it was gangrenous and you could smell the thing any time it was close. Pretty sure it happened from an F-150 running over it right out front.

Ewwwww. Poor deer. The mountain lion population is increasing, so the deer population will be under control in time.