

aka Mrs. Giant
Now you bring up another subject... I've never seen a turkey's ball? I mean, I've seen dog, horse, goat, sheep etc... where are the turkeys? I must google !!! I'll return with answers.
It's cause they are located internally near their kidney.


aka Mrs. Giant
Mig, I'm so sorry to hear this! Why do bad things happen to good people...:bawl: I'm going to start a account for you and put in the first fitty cents so you can get a different brand of peanut butter crackers...:huggy:

Wow - You are astoundingly generous. :love: Anything over 50 cents raised will go towards a turkey sammich for KDenise.


Happy Camper
Mig, I have a whole jar of peanut butter and no crackers. We could join forces and both enjoy peanut butter crackers!
OH lord, don't google it... I repeat don't google it !!:shocking: their are turkey testicle festivals... people EAT them !!!!!!
I wish I could be a fly in the wall when you are approached by your IT administrators and asked to explain this search...:lmao:


aka Mrs. Giant
Mig, I have a whole jar of peanut butter and no crackers. We could join forces and both enjoy peanut butter crackers!
:clap: It's a party.
OH lord, don't google it... I repeat don't google it !!:shocking: their are turkey testicle festivals... people EAT them !!!!!!
I wish I could be a fly in the wall when you are approached by your IT administrators and asked to explain this search...:lmao:
:roflmao: :killingme


Well-Known Member
I bought peanut butter crackers from a brand name that starts with an L and ends with ance. Upon opening, my crackers slide every which way and almost dropped to the ground. At first, I thought my crackers were broken into pieces, but sadly no. That would have been preferable. It turned out there's no peanut butter on my peanut butter crackers. Just crackers sandwiched together pretending to have peanut butter.

Perhaps it's an Obama health initiative, I don't know. Maybe it's so I don't send anybody into an allergic shock reaction, again I don't know why.

However, you should double check your crackers so you don't experience the same disappointment I just did. :bawl:

Most shocking story I ever heard, I am calling fox 5 to come see you so you can get your story out.


Lawful neutral
I wish I’d seen this earlier; I was out walking, just thinking about all the injustice in our world. Miggy, I’m very sorry you’re going through this but it’s good to know that people are pulling together to help you during this difficult time. I know you know this, but life isn’t fair. Good people get denied peanut butter they’ve paid for while bad people eat it for free. John 14:2 say’s "In My Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.” I’d like to think your room will be full of peanut butter Miggy. Maybe even crackers…