Biden’s Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration


PREMO Member
Despite the tough rhetoric, many of the proposals Biden suggested for combatting the virus were, in fact, already central to the Trump administration’s efforts.

For instance, Biden’s plan calls for “no efforts” to be spared in getting private laboratories and universities to help test for the virus. The suggestion mirrors a move the Trump administration took in February in ordering the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow hundreds of academic hospitals and private laboratories to start testing for the coronavirus.

Similarly, the former vice president’s plan argues in favor of a federal relief effort for small businesses negatively impacted by the pandemic. The idea is identical to one Trump, himself, proposed on Wednesday, while addressing the nation in primetime. Trump’s version, which has been presented to Congress in the form of a $50 billion appropriation for low-interest loans to small businesses, includes detailed requirements for cost, eligibility, and implementation. Biden’s proposal, on the other hand, is vague in terms of cost, only stating the former vice president would push for the creation of a small-business loan program upon taking office.



PREMO Member
Biden: Trumps plan sucks!

Biden: My plan is to do the same things!



Well-Known Member
Just to point out the stunningly obvious:

1. Every plan from everyone will include those two thing.

2. Maybe you should go read the plan before you start bleating?

3. One thing Biden's "plan" doesn't include: travel bans from Europe.


Active Member
Just to point out the stunningly obvious:

1. Every plan from everyone will include those two thing.

2. Maybe you should go read the plan before you start bleating?

3. One thing Biden's "plan" doesn't include: travel bans from Europe.
which it should. The fewer people let in the fewer new cases might be brought here. That makes perfect sense, but these open border people only care about votes and power, not the American Citizen. Whe the hell should we save the world if we aren't willing the save our own? Our own people first then maybe deal with the others. If that means no flights back that have non-citizens on it then so be it. Bring our own home. close the border too, same rATIONALE AS WELL.


Well-Known Member
Just to point out the stunningly obvious:

1. Every plan from everyone will include those two thing.

2. Maybe you should go read the plan before you start bleating?

3. One thing Biden's "plan" doesn't include: travel bans from Europe.

You should really check out what some health care experts are saying about that. Not the ones that media put in front of you with their specific agenda like FOX or CNN, but actual health care experts with knowledge and opinions. The experts not being propped up by the media have said that the travel bans will at least slow the transmission down and help to flatten the curve and maybe get ahead of it. Maybe it ends up doing nothing, but if the US ends up getting ahead of it and doing what Europe failed to do, maybe that travel ban will have played a part. Can't hurt given that Europe has replaced China as the new epicenter of the outbreak.


Active Member
You should really check out what some health care experts are saying about that. Not the ones that media put in front of you with their specific agenda like FOX or CNN, but actual health care experts with knowledge and opinions. The experts not being propped up by the media have said that the travel bans will at least slow the transmission down and help to flatten the curve and maybe get ahead of it. Maybe it ends up doing nothing, but if the US ends up getting ahead of it and doing what Europe failed to do, maybe that travel ban will have played a part. Can't hurt given that Europe has replaced China as the new epicenter of the outbreak.

LOL! People on this message board listening to experts!?!?!? LOL. C'mon. I've been trying to argue that for days. All I hear are unfounded conspiracy theories about how every expert or organization has an agenda and wants to make Trump look bad. It's nice to hear someone echo my sentiments.

I think it's time to listen to the experts, people.


God bless the USA
LOL! People on this message board listening to experts!?!?!? LOL. C'mon. I've been trying to argue that for days. All I hear are unfounded conspiracy theories about how every expert or organization has an agenda and wants to make Trump look bad. It's nice to hear someone echo my sentiments.

I think it's time to listen to the experts, people.

There you are! Nice to put a face on it. Thanks!


Active Member
You're the only one saying that.

I've been told that the WHO is an arm of the UN and is hyping this situation up because they advocate for socialized medicine. I can find you the post, if you want.

I've heard countless people post that "it's all the media", "this is just like the flu" when the experts are saying otherwise.

How have I said that this is all a conspiracy? Please, quote me.


Well-Known Member
If you refuse to STFU then I can't tell you...
Let's see how long you can stay off of this board, and I'll tell you
Think of it as a game...and go!!...


Active Member
If you refuse to STFU then I can't tell you...
Let's see how long you can stay off of this board, and I'll tell you
Think of it as a game...and go!!...

You're not making sense and you're not engaging with the issues. I think we should listen to the experts. You're telling me I need to STFU and learn. So what do I need to learn?


Well-Known Member
I've been told that the WHO is an arm of the UN
Ok, that much is true - knew that in grade school

and is hyping this situation up because they advocate for socialized medicine. I can find you the post, if you want.

Quote all you want. Advocating a position doesn't make it all about Trump. I know very much from personal experience that UNICEF - another part of the UN - has been against international adoption and has made it harder for it to happen. That also has nothing to do with Trump. It's not unusual for an international organization to have an agenda.

But I can say - as anyone else can - I have never seen the kind of hysteria over this in my lifetime, and we HAVE HAD worse outbreaks resulting in far more infections and far more death.

I've heard countless people post that "it's all the media", "this is just like the flu" when the experts are saying otherwise.

They have NOT been saying that - that is YOUR takeaway from some terribly reasoned discussion. That is what the more left-leaning media is saying about what they don't agree with. And no expert I have heard has been on board with the hysteria and hype.

I could go down the list of MANY issues on both the left and right - where one side says this is a huge problem and the other says no, it's not a huge problem - and the first side responds incredulously with 'so you're saying it doesn't exist'. Remember when - back when the President was taking measures to mitigate and contain the virus and shutting down travel - and said it's a hoax - people on the left were idiotically saying it's not a hoax the virus is real - which no one was denying.

It's easy to misunderstand what someone who doesn't agree with you is saying - but it is stupidity to persist misunderstanding once it's been adequately explained. You can continue to disagree but you can't be honest if you keep misrepresenting their opinion to others - and yourself.

How have I said that this is all a conspiracy? Please, quote me.

And again - NOT getting what is being said to you. I didn't say that YOU were promoting conspiracy theories - you are claiming we are. And we're not. There have been long reasoned discussions mentioned here - and I've seen your dismissive responses because you don't want to engage, you just want to belittle.


PREMO Member
and I've seen your dismissive responses because you don't want to engage, you just want to belittle.

That is how Sapidus OPERATES - Pedantic Passive Aggressive Word Games ... if YOUR Opinion does not math Its WORLD VIEW You a moron