Biden’s Coronavirus Proposal Cribs Heavily from Trump Administration


Well-Known Member
That is how Sapidus OPERATES - Pedantic Passive Aggressive Word Games ... if YOUR Opinion does not math Its WORLD VIEW You a moron

Oh I know - most of the time, I am responding so the rest of you will see it. I have no delusion that he and I are actually having a conversation.
That's part of why I put some on ignore - they may already have nothing to offer, but once I realize that there's nothing to be gained by writing about it, I really don't want the annoyance. It's the equivalent of shutting off a dripping faucet.

This also goes to - why argue online? I mean, think about it, while I do know a few on here in person - and some, online, for many many years - I'm more or less discussing with strangers. I largely do it for the same few reasons - to give my opinion, sometimes to clarify if I've not explained it well; to learn, because sometimes by engaging in discussion I can look at my own thinking process and re-think things; to persuade, because sometimes what is argued isn't the whole picture and there are nuances not brought up - and sometimes, for laughs.

I do not do it to prove anything. I don't do it to show who's right. I've learned over many years - since doing this since the days of Compuserve and UseNet - that such arguing is pointless - and can be endless. And ultimately - fruitless. You never, ever prove an argument to the satisfaction of all and for all time.

And people never ever have a sudden moment of epiphany when they realize that YOU are right and they are wrong. It's weird, because from the way people argue face to face, it sure seems that's what most people think - that if you just keep arguing, the other person will just up and admit omigosh, I've been wrong this whole time and you are right. But people never ever do that, because once they're in deep, emotions take over. They cannot do that. And it's why I don't argue for that reason. I'd just as soon quit. It's like when you stop playing a sport you used to love or an online game you used to play - it's not enjoyable. You move on.


Fighting like a girl
Ok, that much is true - knew that in grade school

Quote all you want. Advocating a position doesn't make it all about Trump. I know very much from personal experience that UNICEF - another part of the UN - has been against international adoption and has made it harder for it to happen. That also has nothing to do with Trump. It's not unusual for an international organization to have an agenda.

But I can say - as anyone else can - I have never seen the kind of hysteria over this in my lifetime, and we HAVE HAD worse outbreaks resulting in far more infections and far more death.

They have NOT been saying that - that is YOUR takeaway from some terribly reasoned discussion. That is what the more left-leaning media is saying about what they don't agree with. And no expert I have heard has been on board with the hysteria and hype.

I could go down the list of MANY issues on both the left and right - where one side says this is a huge problem and the other says no, it's not a huge problem - and the first side responds incredulously with 'so you're saying it doesn't exist'. Remember when - back when the President was taking measures to mitigate and contain the virus and shutting down travel - and said it's a hoax - people on the left were idiotically saying it's not a hoax the virus is real - which no one was denying.

It's easy to misunderstand what someone who doesn't agree with you is saying - but it is stupidity to persist misunderstanding once it's been adequately explained. You can continue to disagree but you can't be honest if you keep misrepresenting their opinion to others - and yourself.

And again - NOT getting what is being said to you. I didn't say that YOU were promoting conspiracy theories - you are claiming we are. And we're not. There have been long reasoned discussions mentioned here - and I've seen your dismissive responses because you don't want to engage, you just want to belittle.

your President just stopped all travel to Europe, including the UK, this had never happened before.

This is the biggest crises since World War 2


PREMO Member
your President just stopped all travel to Europe, including the UK, this had never happened before.

This is the biggest crises since World War 2

unless you are a Citizen of a different Country


and no this not bigger than WW II


Well-Known Member
unless you are a Citizen of a different Country


and no this not bigger than WW II
Is someone trying to say something is bigger than WW2?
The Beatles? Moon Landing? Watergate? Justin Bieber?

WW2 was and remains the biggest event in all of human history.
Barring Armageddon, zombie apocalypse or alien invasion, it likely always will be, and absolutely nothing has ever come close.


Active Member
Quote all you want. Advocating a position doesn't make it all about Trump.

I'm not sure I've ever said this all about Trump. If I have, then by all means quote me. I remember specifically posting that this isn't all about Trump. The only thing about Trump I've ever said is that he didn't take it seriously soon enough, he didn't communicate factual information all the time, and he's often petty and whiney when addressing the issue. My personal favorite is when he complained about letting sick people into the country from that cruise ship because he didn't need the numbers to go up because it wasn't his fault. LOL. We're not all born high empathy people, I guess.

And again - NOT getting what is being said to you. I didn't say that YOU were promoting conspiracy theories - you are claiming we are. And we're not. There have been long reasoned discussions mentioned here - and I've seen your dismissive responses because you don't want to engage, you just want to belittle.

See quotes below. Then show me the post were I don't engage with issues. Provide evidence for your claim. Then, if you happen to find one, I'll give you twenty where I do engage. Then I'll find you twenty posts where the respondents don't engage with the substance of my posts.

They have NOT been saying that - that is YOUR takeaway from some terribly reasoned discussion. That is what the more left-leaning media is saying about what they don't agree with. And no expert I have heard has been on board with the hysteria and hype.

See quotes below. And I don't know what you consider hysteria and hype. Stocking up on toilet paper? Totally agree. But what about:

School closings?

Sports shutting down?

The same logic applies to Disney, city parades, and large gatherings. Mitigation is key right now. And that's from the experts. If you agree we should listen to the experts, then WE are in agreement.

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“So, the WHO has deemed COVID-19 to be a pandemic. According Merriam-Webster a pandemic is:
occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population
  • an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population

How does corona fit this definition and the flu doesn't? As I pointed out in another thread, the numbers of who have the flu far exceed that of corona. And I'm certain these numbers are consistent globally.

“I don't want anything from the WHO. They are a leftist arm of the UN. They can't be trusted when they operate in a political manner.”

“Perhaps - but it's a PR game that he WILL NOT win with the press. The press is determined to make this the zombie apocalypse AND to blame it on Trump. THAT part astounds me, but it's happening. SARS was orders of magnitude more dangerous - and people struggle to REMEMBER it today.”

(NOTE: SARS affected just over 8000 people and lead to 774 deaths. It has a much higher mortality rate than COVID-19, but it is not as contagious, which allowed containment measures to be MUCH more effective. Also, SARS infected 65 people in the US, resulting in 0 deaths. It infected over 5000 people in China, another 1000 in Hong Kong, with about 500 deaths between the two. I don’t know if people who live in those countries struggle to remember it today. )

“These damn governmental agencies seem to only want to suck the fun out of life. Well, I'm not playing along. I'm still going to do what gives me joy. If I die along the way from one of these things, it was just my turn. That's life. Stop letting these government pinheads from screwing around with your joy.”

“The WHO is an arm of the UN. The UN advocates socialism. I gave you a link that addresses the WHO's desire for socialized healthcare. I am connecting dots here... calling this a pandemic is just a way to get people in a frantic fear so we can look toward government to fix it. What does government do in response? Close everything down. Gain control over everything. The hope by the WHO is, government won't let go when this is over.”

“Trump derailed the Dem agenda because he found out things as an undercover Republican”

“This disease is being shown to be no more virulent than the regular flu and its symptoms are by and large - milder. MOST people that will get are unlikely to know they ever got it. It is proving to be less dangerous than the regular flu “

"Once again, we're being duped by bureaucrats and people with political motivations in an attempt to manipulate global economies into collapse. This is no more a pandemic than polio.

This fear mongering madness has to stop.”