Biden bails out Silicon Valley Bank..


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Here, the government ensures that losses are socialized and profits are privatized. Which is another way of saying the people get fu*ked while the bankers and rich get the orgasm.


Well-Known Member
So you are standing by your LIE / Incorrect Information

The FDIC does NOT have the funds to cover all accounts, where is the money going to come from ?
Just for my SA, why would they need to cover ALL of the funds. The bank didn't suddenly lose 100% of their assets. They don't have every dollar to cover every account, but they do have some of the money.


Well-Known Member
Just for my SA, why would they need to cover ALL of the funds. The bank didn't suddenly lose 100% of their assets. They don't have every dollar to cover every account, but they do have some of the money.

Don't confuse GURPS. He has propaganda from his handlers and it is immutable.


Well-Known Member
Well, this certainly got awkward.

Contributor -

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)

BLM Movement & Related Causes


LOL. Amazing how low the bar is for truth and integrity is in your world.


Well-Known Member
70 and 1/2 million dollars to BLM and related scams.
These weren't banker they were escapee's from some mental institution.

Now they belong in prison
Anybody want to take a bet they don't go to prison?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
70 and 1/2 million dollars to BLM and related scams.
These weren't banker they were escapee's from some mental institution.

Now they belong in prison
Anybody want to take a bet they don't go to prison?
I have a suspicion that SVB's tech company customers are/were 100% behind that decision.


Well-Known Member
I have a suspicion that SVB's tech company customers are/were 100% behind that decision.
I don't doubt your suspicion that they did before the bank went bust, I doubt they feel that way now.
Although Joe Biden is going to bail them out.


Well-Known Member
Yet you offer up nothing for rebuttal.

Sorry dude, your piece didn't make their case. Zero evidence. Zilch. And from a highly biased source known to take extreme liberties with truth.

Funny how you all hold others to a higher standard you don't even attempt to maintain yourself.

Try harder.


PREMO Member

They’re making a distinction between investors and depositors. But then they are guaranteeing depositors beyond just the 250,000 guaranteed by the FDIC, according to the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC.

So where is that money coming from?

Yellen also spoke about inflation and claimed it was Joe Biden’s number one priority. You would never believe that from his actions. But if you listen to this next clip, it screams that cluelessness I was talking about.



PREMO Member
🔥 But don’t worry. It wasn’t SVB’s incompetent, woke board of directors or financial mismanagement that caused the bank to crater. I’ll give you one guess who was really to blame.

Bloomberg ran a story yesterday headlined, “Russian Media, Crypto Scammers Seize on SVB Panic.” The sub-headline added, “‘Conspiratorial narratives’ are inflaming social media panic over bank collapse, according to researchers.”

It was disinformation! I’m not even kidding:

Russian media outlets, far-right websites, short sellers and doomsday preppers were among those who pushed and amplified conspiracy theories online focused on the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, according to disinformation specialists.

Stupid Twitter! You know where THIS is going.



Well-Known Member

They’re making a distinction between investors and depositors. But then they are guaranteeing depositors beyond just the 250,000 guaranteed by the FDIC, according to the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC.

So where is that money coming from?

Yellen also spoke about inflation and claimed it was Joe Biden’s number one priority. You would never believe that from his actions. But if you listen to this next clip, it screams that cluelessness I was talking about.

Did I miss another bank having problems and she said other banks helped prop it up.? It was on the news this morning but can't find a story about it.

Found it. First Republic Bank in SF.