Biden enrages 9/11 families by not going to memorial sites on anniversary: 'Opposite' of Never Forget


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
They are no different than any other Democrat voter. And how do you even have a discussion with people like that?
You don't. It frustrates me to no end, because easily half of them are armed either with complete falsehoods or gross distortions of reality - or they're just smarmy intellectuals whose beliefs transcend things like freedom of speech, or free enterprise. Harvard types who think the best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship.

They are completely closed to information that doesn't come from their cult leader.
As someone who was IN a cult, it's not really like it's so often depicted in TV and movies, and I rarely knew anyone who "drank the KoolAid" - believed anything the leader says. We had our private moments where we imitated and mocked the leader's style and ignorant pronouncements. We saw him as a blow-hard who was better equipped to promote our IDEAS - which we DID believe.

And there was also a strata of persons who were just - dissatisfied. They stayed not because they were loyal - they just didn't think they had anywhere else to go. They feel - trapped. Kind of being in a job or family or marriage that you're not happy with. Some people leave - but a lot of people just stick it out.

This is why cults depend SO MUCH on new blood. When I was in, easily HALF the church AT ANY TIME had been with them less than a year.

There's always some hard-core "believer" - but most of the rank and file are more like you and everyone else than you suspect.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Harvard types who think the best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship.

I actually believe a benevolent dictatorship would work. Your average person on the street is a drooling moron who has no idea what's going on in their own neighborhood, let alone the state, and certainly not the country. They do what the TV tells them to. Allowing them a say that affects everyone else is stupid.

The problem is there's no such thing as a "benevolent" dictatorship. Dictators by their very nature are iron-fisted tyrants and malevolent as hell. If they don't start out that way, they get that way right quick. Absolute power corrupting and all... That's where Democrat voters go from having a point to being complete blithering idiots - they have no concept of human nature and how things work. They think they are everyone and everyone is them. "Oh, I'm sure that serial killer who ate his victims' bodies didn't mean it. He just needs a hug."

I'd be in favor of complete morons not being allowed to vote, but the cabalists would be the ones to decide who is a moron. And since the morons are the ones keeping them in power.....


Well-Known Member
On a more somber note - The photographer posted this 20 years ago to YouTube but left it private. He has released it for all to see this week

That was traumatic.

I was watching a variety of programs yesterday and thought I knew just about everything that happened but ran across something I had not heard before. I knew that our fighter planes were scrambled in order to try to shoot down that final flight that ended up in Shanksville. Found out yesterday that the planes were not actually carrying missiles; the game plan was for one plane to aim for the cockpit and the other plane for the tail making it a suicide mission for our two pilots. Don't know why I hadn't heard that before - thought I had seen everything there was to see.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
... That's where Democrat voters go from having a point to being complete blithering idiots - they have no concept of human nature and how things work. They think they are everyone and everyone is them.
They fail to recognize their own failings as well.

Or worse, they believe their failings are virtues.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Found out yesterday that the planes were not actually carrying missiles; the game plan was for one plane to aim for the cockpit and the other plane for the tail making it a suicide mission for our two pilots.
Its called "ram tactics", been taught for years as a last means when out of munitions.


Power with Control
That was traumatic.

I was watching a variety of programs yesterday and thought I knew just about everything that happened but ran across something I had not heard before. I knew that our fighter planes were scrambled in order to try to shoot down that final flight that ended up in Shanksville. Found out yesterday that the planes were not actually carrying missiles; the game plan was for one plane to aim for the cockpit and the other plane for the tail making it a suicide mission for our two pilots. Don't know why I hadn't heard that before - thought I had seen everything there was to see.
Yep, live missiles not as easy to come by on short notice as you might think.
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The problem is there's no such thing as a "benevolent" dictatorship. Dictators by their very nature are iron-fisted tyrants and malevolent as hell. If they don't start out that way, they get that way right quick.
And it scares the HELL out of me that we have so MANY in Washington - and in positions of power - who wipe their ass with our Constitution whenever they please. That it's ok to arrest or threaten with arrest, parents who object at a board meeting - that it's ok to censor "misinformation" on social media - that it's ok to suspend rights for "emergencies". The pandemic - was worse. For the sake of "emergency" - all kinds of rights were trounced - while the leaders made it clear that they didn't have to obey them at all.

And some people were FINE with it - because it wasn't THEIR ox being gored.

I love this country - but by the time I leave this Earth, I don't know if I still will.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Love that phrase.

It goes well with Virginal Prostitute, Honorable Thief and Ethical Lawyer.

I kind of like it too, but - basically, that's - God.

In God's government, you do what he asks, you don't disagree, you don't challenge - and he gives you everything.


And I MEAN that - if GOD was actually in charge, not just some religious organization claiming to speak for him. I mean, if you actually lived in Heaven and he was there, saying stuff.

And it sure is the case that people BELIEVE that such rule, among people, can exist, benignly. Because who does things, KNOWING that they're evil?
Didn't we see during the pandemic, all of the dictatory wannabes, who felt their every whim was for everyone's benefit? That mandates EXISTED to HELP people? And resisting mandates was HURTING people?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love this country

I love this country and what it originally stood for - what it should stand for still - but I loathe a great many of the humans who live in it.

I think our system of government, as established, is brilliant. It's the rapacious political scumbags who've bastardized and destroyed it for their own personal gain who are loathsome.


Well-Known Member
Its called "ram tactics", been taught for years as a last means when out of munitions.
Makes perfect sense but it sure was news to me. Blew my mind when I heard it - can't imagine the amount of courage it would have taken if they had actually had to end it that way. Thanks for the history lesson!


Well-Known Member
That would fall under "make up facts, tell stupid stories and generally make an ass of himself".

I'm amazed nowadays that we have politicians who don't know that their stories and facts can be verified in a matter of seconds, whereas as recently as the 70's, you could totally make chit up and people just had to take your word.

Then of course, 1987 came around and Joe was caught plagiarizing and lying about how he placed in college and what he studied. Over 30 years ago.

He's not the only one, but as President, he should know we can place him anywhere. I have to think it can attributed to just a few things:

1. He's delusional and simply doesn't know any better - OR
2. He thinks, being there two weeks later or the next day - toMAYto, toMAHto - OR
3. Either he or his handlers know or believe, the people who think he's wonderful won't care or won't check. As in, he can tell people he created 13 million jobs, and they will believe him.

And those people will always believe a democrat.


PREMO Member
And it scares the HELL out of me that we have so MANY in Washington

The Gov of New Mexico thinks she can ban open and concealed carry under the guise of a Public Health Emergency

And She WILL NOT BE THE LAST that attempts to use COVID Style Public Health Emergencies to push through programs or restrictions

I have been hearing for 2 yrs, rumblings for Climate Emergency Lock downs