You don't. It frustrates me to no end, because easily half of them are armed either with complete falsehoods or gross distortions of reality - or they're just smarmy intellectuals whose beliefs transcend things like freedom of speech, or free enterprise. Harvard types who think the best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship.They are no different than any other Democrat voter. And how do you even have a discussion with people like that?
As someone who was IN a cult, it's not really like it's so often depicted in TV and movies, and I rarely knew anyone who "drank the KoolAid" - believed anything the leader says. We had our private moments where we imitated and mocked the leader's style and ignorant pronouncements. We saw him as a blow-hard who was better equipped to promote our IDEAS - which we DID believe.They are completely closed to information that doesn't come from their cult leader.
And there was also a strata of persons who were just - dissatisfied. They stayed not because they were loyal - they just didn't think they had anywhere else to go. They feel - trapped. Kind of being in a job or family or marriage that you're not happy with. Some people leave - but a lot of people just stick it out.
This is why cults depend SO MUCH on new blood. When I was in, easily HALF the church AT ANY TIME had been with them less than a year.
There's always some hard-core "believer" - but most of the rank and file are more like you and everyone else than you suspect.