Biden NEVER Ran The Country


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PREMO Member
Even if you did that, it won't unf@ck the country. Especially the border mess. Ugh.
Got a question about that.

Every time I try to look up “official “ numbers for number of illegal aliens - it is ALWAYS some fairly constant number of around 10 to 11 million. Year after year after year.

How can that be? MILLIONS have crossed in the last several years - that we know of. Then there is the estimate of “gotaways”.

They did NOT get amnesty. They were not naturalized.

Did they go home? Did they just disappear? Did the government somehow call them something ELSE so they don’t have to ADD 4-5 million to the number already here?

How do we have INCREDIBLE VAST numbers crossing illegally - but the number doesn’t go w?
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Well-Known Member
Wow, Murdoch’s WSJ out with another hit piece by Biden.

Record high stock market and zero government shutdowns.

Let’s see how the next 4 years go.


PREMO Member

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal ran the most astonishing bit of self-serving, limited -hangout-slash-gaslighting we’ve seen in months headlined, “How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge.” The answer, of course, is because corporate media covered for him. But the sub-headline described the Journal’s blame-shifting narrative: “Aides kept meetings short and controlled access, top advisers acted as go-betweens and public interactions became more scripted. The administration denied Biden has declined.”

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“The president’s slide,” the Journal unironically reported, “has been hard to overlook.”

Has it? Wall Street Journal, when did you first notice the hard-to-overlook slide? Because, up until Biden’s debate disaster, corporate media monolithically reported Joe was sharp as a tack. (Maybe that phrase is some kind of euphemism; maybe it means something else to reporters?)

Well, not anymore. The history of Biden reporting has been reconned. Now, the media always knew about Joe’s sundowning. “At events,” the Journal eagerly confided, “aides often repeated instructions to him, such as where to enter or exit a stage, that would be obvious to the average person.” The Journal added juicy details, like when the campaign hired Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg to give Biden, 82, voice coaching lessons to conceal “the president’s fading warble.” Or how they lyingly used pandemic protection protocols, like six-foot distancing and remote meetings, to help hide Biden’s blunders.

“The shell constructed for the pandemic,” the Journal explained, “was never fully taken down, and his advanced age hardened it.” If Joe’s advanced age was the egg, was the media the chicken?

The Journal reported to readers that Biden quickly tired. He was no good in the mornings. So all his meetings were kept short, scheduled later in the day, late but not too late, and strictly kept to the point. Whenever Biden was having a bad day, his aides would cancel his meetings and clear his calendar. Once, right before the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Representative Adam Smith (D-Wa.), who chaired the Armed Services Committee, tried to meet with Biden to warn him about the calamitous withdrawal strategy. But Smith’s meeting was abruptly canceled.

Apparently, Biden had more bad days than good days. Over his four years, Biden has held only nine complete cabinet meetings—three in 2021, two in 2022, three in 2023, and only one this year. By comparison, Obama held 19 during his first term and Trump held 25.

We are only just hearing about this lopsided cabinet meeting issue now, when nobody cares.

What should we make of the Journal’s too-late, after-the-fact admissions, which just add insult to the informational injury? Now that Trump has been re-elected anyway, is the Journal trying to apply a narrative tourniquet to the injury of all its lost trust with readers? Why not throw Biden under the bus now, since his political career is long dead?

Despite those difficult admissions of Biden’s incompetence, the article was still acted as carefully as a drunk hobo trying to play “Operation” with a fresh fifth of Jack Daniels at stake. The Journal carefully avoided speculating about any of the evident harms that Biden’s incompetence obviously inflicted on the country. It got rapid-onset snow blindness about the ethics of propping up a demented old man. It never invoked obvious connected concepts like “lies,” “deceptions,” “Manchurian Candidate,” the “Twenty-Fifth Amendment,” or the “nuclear football,” nor speculated about precisely which unaccountable bureaucrats might have been pulling Biden’s strings. Or Jill Biden’s or Obama’s roles in the Great Charade, for that matter.

The Journal also elided any discussion of how for years, anyone who ever questioned Biden’s competence was instantly savaged by the media and its barbaric hordes of citizen volunteers and its grant-funded affiliated social media influencers.

But what was most missing from the article, painfully conspicuous by its absence, was media’s role in perpetuating the most grotesque and egregious lie in American history. So much for the media's watchguard role. Hang up your spurs. And please, get out of here with your “president’s slide has been hard to overlook” nonsense. This “exclusive” was rubbish.



Power with Control
So, hearings need to take place. I normally view such post administration things as wastes of time. And they can leave Joe Biden out of it.

But we not only desreve, but need to know which parts of the govt were complicit, who knew that he wasnt competent and who decided who was going to give orders when Jope couldnt?

Those people need to be jailed for at least as long as the J6ers. And banned from ever getting closer to the reigns of power than dog catcher in Paducah.
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Active Member
Most of his people were former Obama people, so .....
Who was Biden's version of Edith Wilson? Who knew what was going on but said nothing? Were any laws broken?

Definitely needs congressional investigation, particularly if things were signed off, withheld without Biden's knowledge.
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Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
Wow, Murdoch’s WSJ out with another hit piece by Biden.

Record high stock market and zero government shutdowns.

Let’s see how the next 4 years go. tell everyone when exactly was Biden lucid enough to put together a hit piece so Murdoch's WSJ would publish it?
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PREMO Member
Definitely needs congressional investigation, particularly if things were signed off, withheld without Biden's knowledge.
The thing is - NOTHING ever happens as a result of these meetings - unless it culiminates in something as drastic as an impeachment, or some kind of expulsion from office - or perhaps, an embarassed resignation.

Otherwise, what happens is some flunky ends up being the only scapegoat that the party being investigated tosses out to receive the sins of the party.

Which IS why the voters look at them with skepticism, because they don't "reveal" anything to their minds - it's just more party bickering.
I realize - it often is NOT - but it LOOKS that way, BECAUSE nothing happens.

I suspect they will all have a short life in the Trump administration, BECAUSE he has stated - in so many words - his vindication will be American success.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member tell everyone when exactly was Biden lucid enough to put together a hit piece so Murdoch's WSJ would publish it?
You really can't have any government shutdowns, with a completely compliant Congress, willing to spend as much money as you want.