Biden's Government


PREMO Member

At no point do the Articles of the Constitution state that the first lady may sit in for the President when he cannot fulfill his duties. In fact, article II section 1 explicitly states the vice president has that responsibility.

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PREMO Member

People Have a Lot of Questions About Report That Jill Biden's Signature Is on Legislation Folders

Joe Biden hasn't held one in 11 months, as he's abdicated his responsibilities. At the start of his meeting on Friday he introduced Jill, and then she did all of the talking about the White House Women's Health initiative. She didn't speak for very long, but she walked through some of the initiatives that they are taking -- things that you would think Joe normally would be outlining for the cabinet. You can check out the full comments here.

That has a lot of people wondering what was going on, and talking about Edith Wilson.

Here's the end of what she said. I have a lot of thoughts about the look of this:

Our White House initiative has built momentum for health research focused on women, but we have to keep moving forward. We have to keep wok- — working across government and the private sector to incentive innovative health research for women.

It’s time to write a new story of health care in this country, one where women get the answers we need, where the United States continues to be home to the most cutting-edge research in the world, and where everyone can lead healthier lives.

Notice Joe is the only one not clapping; he just looks out of it.

But everyone else clapped the way you used to clap for old Soviet leaders, because you needed to suck up to the power. That's what it looked like to me. And it made me think about the deal to get him out. She didn't want to go; is part of the deal she has to look like she's significant, with things like this?



PREMO Member

SEC to Seek Sanctions Against Musk for Not Appearing for Testimony Over Twitter Acquisition

The two parties had originally agreed that Musk would appear for the testimony on Sept. 19, but in July, Musk’s counsel requested to move the date due to a scheduling conflict. The SEC accommodated the request, rescheduling the testimony to Sept. 10. However, on the morning of Sept. 10, Musk’s legal team sent a letter to the SEC stating that his obligations as SpaceX’s chief technology office required urgent travel to the East Coast for a “high-risk” Polaris Dawn launch.

Musk’s attorney, Alex Spiro, argued in the filing that his client’s absence on Sept. 10 was due to an unavoidable emergency regarding the Polaris Dawn launch, requiring his presence in Cape Canaveral.

Musk, as SpaceX’s chief technical officer, “had to be present at the Cape Canaveral launch site for the Polaris Dawn launch, and the timing of the launch was unpredictable due to weather,” Spiro wrote, adding that it was impossible to predict more than a few hours in advance when the launch would take place.

Spiro argued that sanctions are unnecessary since the rescheduling was due to an emergency, and Musk has already agreed to a new testimony date in October. He added that Musk has fully cooperated with the SEC in multiple investigations.


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PREMO Member

Here's One Reason Why FEMA Is Doing Such a Terrible Job

According to FEMA itself, it's #1 priority is no longer responding to emergencies but promoting Diversity, Equity, and inclusion.

As victims are suffering and dying in Appalachia, FEMA is focused on trans migrants of color who may feel uncomfortable getting help from religious organizations.

We can't have a Christian or a Jew helping somebody unless they usher men into women's bathrooms. Seriously.

FEMA is, as with every bureaucracy under the Harris/Biden administration, obsessed with microaggressions, affirming fetishists, and distributing benefits by race. Kamala Harris herself has said that disaster aid should be distributed by race in order to promote equity.

FEMA is so concerned that people are getting the right idea about their incompetence, red tape, and misapplication of resources that they are fighting "rumors" rather than saving people. Perhaps a trans woman of color with a bum leg and a pending asylum claim needed something to do, so they asked "her" to put together a page on misinformation.


PREMO Member

U.S. to Provide $157 Million in Humanitarian Aid to People Affected by ‘Crisis in Lebanon’

In a press release on Friday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken revealed that the “nearly $157 million” in humanitarian assistance would go towards addressing “new and existing needs to internally displaced persons and refugee populations” for communities in Lebanon.

“The United States will provide nearly $157 million in new U.S. humanitarian assistance to support populations affected by conflict in Lebanon and the region,” Blinken said in the press release. “This funding will address new and existing needs of internally displaced persons and refugee populations inside Lebanon and the communities that host them. The assistance will also support those fleeing to neighboring Syria.”



PREMO Member

Elon Musk, in Bid to Get Help to Hurricane Victims, Has Unreal Conversation With Pete Buttigieg on X

He revealed a text he'd gotten about deliveries being blocked and shutting down airspace.

Then, amazingly, he got a response from Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

"No one is shutting down the airspace and FAA doesn’t block legitimate rescue and recovery flights. If you’re encountering a problem give me a call," Buttigieg said.

Elon said there were "hundreds of reports" of FEMA or the FAA "blocking flights" He then asked for the number to call Buttigieg.

Musk said the pilots were not trying to land in an unsafe area.

How is the governmental effort so lacking in coordination and response, and then on top of that, getting in the way of those that are responding? Even this exchange seems to tell the tale — why should Elon Musk have to be begging Pete Buttigieg for a phone number just so a helicopter can land?

It's just unreal.

Buttigieg finally did get back to him. But he's responding only after all this has exploded all over X, with many who are not as well placed as Elon Musk complaining about the issues.

Musk, with his big stick, brought more attention to the issue and forced an answer. Hopefully, they will resolve this, or I suspect we will hear more from Musk.


PREMO Member

Ten days is considered quite speedy in Big Government Bureaucrat circles, especially since a lot of FEMA's budget has already been spent on illegal aliens.

Also if you watch the FEMA video, the first thing listed on the "what the inspectors will do" part says "observe social distancing guidelines." These people are beyond parody. Also what year is this?




