Biden's Super Bowl 'Shrinkflation' video stuns social media: 'Is this a joke?'


Beloved Misanthrope
This is the second year in a row President Biden has skipped out on a pre-Super Bowl interview

President Biden celebrated Super Bowl Sunday in what many saw as a bizarre and ironic video attacking snack companies for inflation.

Though the president skipped out on the traditional pre-game interview, the White House’s X account posted a pre-recorded video of Biden talking about "Shrinkflation."

"While you were Super Bowl shopping, did you notice smaller-than-usual products where the price stays the same? Folks are calling it Shrinkflation and it means companies are giving you less for every dollar you spend. I’m calling on the big consumer brands to put a stop to it," the post read.



Well-Known Member
Did he do this on his own - or was there someone in the White House who is SO SERIOUSLY STUPIDER than your average American that they thought this supported Bidenomics, when it proves beyond all doubt that it is a failure?
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Well-Known Member
Has to be the dumbest commercial ever made, with this fool sitting and complaining about the shrinkflation that he is responsible for.

I watched it on utube since i didn't watch the game.
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Well-Known Member
So now he wants inflation to increase. Do companies say, sure we will add back what we took out but the price goes up.

Isn't he happy they are helping with inflation by not increasing prices.


Well-Known Member
This is the second year in a row President Biden has skipped out on a pre-Super Bowl interview

President Biden celebrated Super Bowl Sunday in what many saw as a bizarre and ironic video attacking snack companies for inflation.

Though the president skipped out on the traditional pre-game interview, the White House’s X account posted a pre-recorded video of Biden talking about "Shrinkflation."

"While you were Super Bowl shopping, did you notice smaller-than-usual products where the price stays the same? Folks are calling it Shrinkflation and it means companies are giving you less for every dollar you spend. I’m calling on the big consumer brands to put a stop to it," the post read.

I'm sure he didn't do the interview last year because the game was on Fox, But CBS is a friend and would have carried him through it.
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PREMO Member

Joe Biden’s ‘shrinkflation’ blame game

JOE BIDEN’S ‘SHRINKFLATION’ BLAME GAME. By the time the Super Bowl started, it had been extensively reported that President Joe Biden had refused, for the second year in a row, to do the traditional Super Bowl interview. The conventional wisdom was that the 81-year-old president, who has granted relatively few interviews during his time in the White House and has been under intense scrutiny in the last few days for age-related cognitive problems, just could not risk a high-profile interview in his current condition. “It’s the biggest television audience — not even close — and you get a chance to do a 20, 25-minute interview on that day, and you don’t do it?” veteran Democratic strategist James Carville said. “That’s a kind of sign that the staff or yourself doesn’t have much confidence in you. There’s no other way to read this.”

Given that, most people who follow politics figured they wouldn’t see Biden on Super Bowl day. But Biden had other plans. If he would not, or could not, handle a Super Bowl interview, he would still get in on the Super Bowl story, creating an attention-getting, Super Bowl-themed video released a few hours before kickoff. No tough questions, no embarrassing pauses, just total White House control.

But what would it be about? Do not be embarrassed if you did not guess that Biden’s video would be about something he calls “shrinkflation.” Maybe you haven’t heard the word, but it refers to companies, in this case, snack food companies, including fewer chips, or cookies, or whatever, in packages that nevertheless still cost the same. It is, in other words, another form of inflation, which, of course, has hit the companies as much as it has hit consumers. The price doesn’t go up, but the product the buyer receives goes down.