BIG Phoenix breakthrough


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A nice little happening this morning, which of course did not last long enough for me to grab a camera.

I was up in the crows nest scooping out some wet food into the boys' bowls. I had not noticed that Phoenix had come upstairs.

She starts munching from Buff's bowl and he comes up, looks at her, makes a kind of shrug, then proceeds to munch from Cooper's. Their heads were only about 6 inches apart. After a couple minutes, he hears something (Buff could, I think, hear an owl flying by) and goes off to do Buff things.

Cooper was blissfully unaware, heard his little kitty snoring from under the bed.


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For the 1st time, Miss Phoenix had, kind of, lap time with me.
She jumped up on the couch and stood with her forepaws on my leg accepting pets and ear scritches for about 5 minutes.


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Nice breakthrough with Miss Phoenix today.
She was laying by the patio door watching birds picking seeds off the dead plants in my deck garden boxes.
For the 1st time heard her doing the Kek, Kek, Kek, and making the bite movement with her mouth.


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Just did some vacuuming and Phoenix came running to see what was making the noise.


adorable kitties.

I have 2. One is 12 and the other is 10. My 12-year-old cat is a Norwegian Forest Cat with IBS. Ugh, so as a favor to her, I shave her fur down so she can reach her butt to clean it. My 10-year-old, is a Maine Coon mix and HUGE and very friendly.


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adorable kitties.

I have 2. One is 12 and the other is 10. My 12-year-old cat is a Norwegian Forest Cat with IBS. Ugh, so as a favor to her, I shave her fur down so she can reach her butt to clean it. My 10-year-old, is a Maine Coon mix and HUGE and very friendly.
We think Miss Teia was a Maine Coon mix. When we adopted her at age 12, she was almost 20 pounds.

We gave her another 9 years 5 months.


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A very nice occurrence early this morning. Woke a little after 3AM, "holding tank" full signal beeping. I noticed that Buff was sleeping atop Mount Phoenix, and she was in "Her Drawer." I think I heard one quiet hiss. They were still there when I got up again at 6AM.

Tired Cat GIF


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Miss Phoenix getting much more comfortable here with the boy cats.
She is sleeping out in the open much more often, once in a while on her back.
This was yesterday. She woke up as I was snapping the picture, and shifted a little.