Big Sexy Hair


art imitating life
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Wow call CNN, you had a perfect opportunity to be perverted and you didn't.

:roflmao: Mark this day, a day in history


The "Back Comb in a Bottle" is the most versitile hairspray I've ever worked with... you can do things with your hair using it that you've never even dreamed possible.

I like the volumizing shampoo and conditioner as well.

My other favorite line is the Aveda Shampure line, because it smells really good and your hair is always shiney and not frizzy.


New Member
I like bed head too. Pantene is a really good line if you can't afford 20.00 for a bottle of hairspray

Is Pantene really ok for your hair? I have a friend who is a hairdresser and she told me that it is one of the worst products out on the market due to sulfites or something like that? I remember using it in college and not having a problem with it, but she swears that it is bad for your hair.

I've used the Big Sexy Hair mousse and hairspray before and it does work great! :yay: I've yet to find a shampoo/conditioner that I like well enough to not 'switch' around constantly. I wouldn't mind paying a reasonable amount (under $30 for a decent sized bottle of each) but I was actually looking in Target today and there was a bottle of something (conditioner maybe?) that was OVER $60 a bottle :faint:


professional daydreamer
Is Pantene really ok for your hair? I have a friend who is a hairdresser and she told me that it is one of the worst products out on the market due to sulfites or something like that? I remember using it in college and not having a problem with it, but she swears that it is bad for your hair.

I've used the Big Sexy Hair mousse and hairspray before and it does work great! :yay: I've yet to find a shampoo/conditioner that I like well enough to not 'switch' around constantly. I wouldn't mind paying a reasonable amount (under $30 for a decent sized bottle of each) but I was actually looking in Target today and there was a bottle of something (conditioner maybe?) that was OVER $60 a bottle :faint:

I've also been told by a hairdresser that Pantene isn't good to use too often, because of the protein. Too much can be just as bad as not enough. Some years ago I was having problems with split ends, she asked about my shampoo. I haven't had problems with split ends since I stopped using it regularly.

I'm now using BigSexyCurly, and like it.