Bill Maher Has Got Alot of Nerve!!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's look at...

...self righteous sanctimonious reactions for a second.

If you, any of you, are known for something distinctive, let's say you ride a bike or jog alot or spend alot of time on your nails and let's say you get crushed by a truck on the way to Sturgis or you die of a heart attack during the Marine Corp marathon or your nails catch fire and you burn to death, would you be able to say, now, if something distinctive of you were to happen that you would be offended from beyond the grave if people make fun of it or would you be like 'hey, I died doing what I love! Joke on!"

Steve Irwin didn't suddenly get squashed by a safe right after completing chemo. He didn't get run over by a truck while trying to help a little old lady.

I mean, good lord, if I get electrocuted for playing my guitar in a lighting storm, I would damn well hope everyone who knows and love's me would be howling about it at my funeral and sharing url's of how stupid it sounds in news reports or brief mentions on the news.

Born to be....Fried?

Heavy Metal Blunder?

Man plays sour note...



Hell, I'll write my own obit.

"Please don't make fun of me. Unless it's a good 'un!"
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I'm not too crazy about any comedian who tries to be serious about politics - and then falls back on the premise that "hey, I'm just a comedian - I'm just joking about this". That even goes for ones that support conservative views. If you're gonna stick your neck out - even to be "funny" - don't give me the lame excuse you're just a comedian. (The Al Franken defense).

That said - and while I don't particularly like Bill Maher - I did like his book "When You Ride Alone, You Ride With bin Laden". And I did respect his comment regarding the 9/11 terrorists when compared to launching cruise missiles - you cannot call flying a plane to kill yourself cowardly when, up until that point, we dropped bombs and launched missiles as a response to attacks. You have to be tougher than the kind of man who will blow himself to pieces to defeat you.

In the last chapter of his book, he took on the whole "cultural imperialism" crap I've grown so sick of for years - the idea across the globe that we are insinuating our culture into everyone else's by means of our movies, our junk food, our products, labels and television. He commented that NO NATION that has ever existed on this planet in human history has held the power the United States has - and trod so lightly on the rest of the world. As much as people curse the United States - how would they feel if the United States - was *CHINA*. Or *Russia*. Or even *FRANCE*.

Good stuff. I recommend it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's my issue with Maher...

Toxick said:
I've always thought that Bill Maher is a complete horse's ass.

I agree with him on a lot of issues ... but I swear to God when he agrees with me on something I want to change my opinion because I don't want to be on the same page as this tool-boy.

What a ####-face.

...he made a withering comment about how tough we looked shooting off a few missiles, very sarcastically, and caught a flood of flak about it from those who thought it not very respectful of the military.

Certainly, he meant it in the same vein as Kerry's crack, an uncontrolled flash of contempt for the average military Joe but, like Kerry is trying to do; blame it on the Prez, Bill could have said "We did a cowardly thing with the missiles and it's BILL CLINTON'S fault."

But nooooooo..........

He chose to go into professional Siberia for a few years rather than cross Bubba. So, who is the coward?